2. Conflict situations

  • Created by: ejholroyd
  • Created on: 29-06-22 11:19
How can conflicts be anticipated and prevented?
1. Address unwanted behaviour early
2. Team charter
3. Check-in regularly
4. Listen and observe behaviour
1 of 8
What are the 3 conflict stage types?
Latent: Potential, not yet visible (not enough to cause action)

Emergent- Visible, but rationale (solutions can be found)

Escalated: open conflict, legal steps may be required (difficult to find a solution)
2 of 8
Define a crisis
When an intense or important decision has to be made quickly to resolve a sudden issue.
3 of 8
What is Thomas/Kilmanns model for resolving conflict?
Cooperativeness vs assertiveness

Response of either: avoidance, accommodate, collaboration, competition depends on the individuals willingness to cooperation or assert their view.
4 of 8
What is Blake and Mouton's conflict resolution model?
People concern vs task concern

Dependent on the driving concern this will affect the response which is given to the conflict.
5 of 8
How can conflict be mediated and resolved?
1. Understand the root cause
2. Create a constructive environment
3. Focus on the future.
4. Take discipline/legal action when required
5. Be sincere
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What steps can be taken to reduce the impact of a conflict?
1. Relevant people only

2. Constructive Environment

3. Clear process
7 of 8
Why is it important to learn from conflict and crises for the future?
-Restores team harmony

- Used positively to progress

-Strengths team cohesion and solidarity
8 of 8

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Card 2


What are the 3 conflict stage types?


Latent: Potential, not yet visible (not enough to cause action)

Emergent- Visible, but rationale (solutions can be found)

Escalated: open conflict, legal steps may be required (difficult to find a solution)

Card 3


Define a crisis


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Thomas/Kilmanns model for resolving conflict?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Blake and Mouton's conflict resolution model?


Preview of the front of card 5
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