Comprehension Test 6

Charlie Small and The Flooding Tsunami

This is a story about Charlie Small, who has just been alive from a tsunami, but his friends are been drowned by the tsunami.

As the tsunami rose to the high position, I screamed nervously ; how did the tsunami come, only finding out of there isn't an earthquake. Surely this disasterous monsters hadn't got on my way, right?

" Aargh! " I screamed.

" Charlie, run! " my best friend, Jakeman shouted.

Joseph Craik ( who was my arch enemy ) stood there, looking bloodied, as his face was like the core of the Earth. He couldn't run because of eating the bio weapon : it had deadly germs, viruses and microbes in it.

 At the tsunami rose up to the ground, me and Jakeman ran up to my house, tall like Big Ben. Suddenly, I saw that the pole came flying to Craik and stabbed him, only to be left alive. He took of the jagged pole and drowned, yet alive.

Sadly, I saw my unsurpassed friends, drowning and dying because of the raging tsunami. Then, they were about to be buried at the church graveyard when I saw many relatives, singing song of the dead. Then, I saw my grandma, crying and seeing my friends.

" My grandson! " she cried.

" I'm your grandson! " I replied.

Later, me and Jakeman went to the graveyard and bow to our friends - they had forgotten all about us. When we were about to leave, I saw a strange figure, holding a gun, a bloodied blade and a gangster costume. I fainted, as I thought it was the evil Joseph Craik.

" Wake up! " the figure said.

It was Dad! 

  • Created by: AdithyaS
  • Created on: 22-02-18 19:13
Why was the tsunami raging?
It killed many people.
1 of 5
Who does the ' disasterous monsters ' refer to?
The tsunami
2 of 5
Jagged means...
3 of 5
Unsurpassed means...
4 of 5
Core means...
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who does the ' disasterous monsters ' refer to?


The tsunami

Card 3


Jagged means...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Unsurpassed means...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Core means...


Preview of the front of card 5


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