Comprehension Test 3

Face to Face

This is about a very rare snow leopard cub who faces an unfamiliar snow lion.

The cub was standing there quietly. Quietly. Its amber eyes glanced to an unfamiliar snow lion ( which you wouldn't find it really ). The little leopard was a hard statue, just standing still to the most seldom seen lions. It was the snow leopard's own fault to go away from his mother, who was frantically waiting for him. Now the cub didn't do anything. He only blinked. 

The lion too stood still. What was this peculiar animal? It's snowy teeth bared widely to the cub, as he was about to pounce to his prey. But the lion didn't do anything. Just stood still. That's all.

But now, what the lion had comprehended was that it was a snow leopard cub and it would give him a succulent meal. His bright, pink tounge was coming out of his lips ; he was really hungry.

As the starving lion pounced, the petrified cub gave a loud whine, much loud so that his mother could hear. When the lion was at face to face with the snow leopard cub, he scratched the cub with his sharp claws, like the sharpest blade. The cub gave a loud whine and his amber eyes were filled with watery tears.

Suddenly, his mother came rushing her way to protect her cub. With her sharp claws, the mother leopard killed the lion on his neck with one blow, making the head and body apart from each other. The little cub was so hungry, just like the lion, and started to eat the lifeless body.

  • Created by: AdithyaS
  • Created on: 20-02-18 19:39
Why did the cub wait quietly?
He saw a strange lion.
1 of 5
Why did the lion's teeth bare to the cub?
There was a snow leopard.
2 of 5
What effect does the short sentences build?
It builds tension.
3 of 5
Succulent means...
4 of 5
Who does ' lifeless body ' refer to in the text?
The lion
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why did the lion's teeth bare to the cub?


There was a snow leopard.

Card 3


What effect does the short sentences build?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Succulent means...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who does ' lifeless body ' refer to in the text?


Preview of the front of card 5


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