component 2: section A: television in the global age: life on mars: audience

  • Created by: ciaram04
  • Created on: 11-04-22 17:02
Intertextual References
- David Bowie's music gives audience pleasure through recognition
- Nostalgia through visual codes and iconography
- For example: Crombie, kipper ties, velvet jackets, Ford Cortina, flicked hair
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Inherited Fan Bases
- Audiences like TVCD
- Expectation that BBC will production will be high quality
- Appeal to fans of John Simm who may also attract younger audiences who associate him with Dr Who + 24 hour party people
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- 1970's soundtrack
- 1970's culture and enigmatic narrative
- Sam Tyler's voice used in trailer to encourage audience to empathise with him from start
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Theoretical Approach: Stuart Hall
- Accepting: Audience may like traditional codes and conventions of TVCD but enjoy the differing dual time narrative
- Negotiated: Enjoy nostalgia and soundtrack but uncomfortable with sexism and male dominance
- Oppositional: Feel representations legiti
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Target Audience
- Fans of TVCD
- Cross gender appeal
- fans of fantasy/sci-fi
- fans of 1970's period
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The Appeal Of Genre
- Genre offers escapism
- Audience involved with solving crime alongside police
- sci-fi element adds suspension and disbelief
- Audience may be shocked by police methods
- Popular dramas create buzz ans encourage social interaction (uses and gratifica
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Narrative Appeal
- Incorporates typical codes and conventions e.g. crime, narrative, enigma, character types
- Offers different enigma in form of dual time frame
- Also appeals to different audience who like non linear, surreal narrative, lack of closure
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- Gene Hunts character became iconic and catchphrases became part of culture
- Audience sympathise with Sam Tyler's character
- Restricted narrative means they solve mystery alongside him
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Card 2


- Audiences like TVCD
- Expectation that BBC will production will be high quality
- Appeal to fans of John Simm who may also attract younger audiences who associate him with Dr Who + 24 hour party people


Inherited Fan Bases

Card 3


- 1970's soundtrack
- 1970's culture and enigmatic narrative
- Sam Tyler's voice used in trailer to encourage audience to empathise with him from start


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- Accepting: Audience may like traditional codes and conventions of TVCD but enjoy the differing dual time narrative
- Negotiated: Enjoy nostalgia and soundtrack but uncomfortable with sexism and male dominance
- Oppositional: Feel representations legiti


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


- Fans of TVCD
- Cross gender appeal
- fans of fantasy/sci-fi
- fans of 1970's period


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what does tvcd stand for?

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