Comp sci

What is volatile data?
Data on a live system that is lost after a computer is powered down.
1 of 13
What is non volatile data?
Nonvolatile data is a type of digital information that is persistently stored within a file system on some form of electronic medium that is preserved in a specific state when power is removed.
2 of 13
Name the 3 main types of secondary storage?
1. magnetic
2. optical
3. solid state storage
3 of 13
What is magnetic storage?
mechanical parts move over the disks surface to read and wright data magnetically
4 of 13
What is optic storage?
Lasers read and write data using light
5 of 13
what is solid state storage?
Data is recorded onto solid memory chips without any moving parts
6 of 13
What are cd's and example of?
optical storage
7 of 13
What are USB's an example of?
solid state storage
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What are hard disk drives and example of?
magnetic storage
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What is the main purpose of secondary storage?
used to store data and programs for later retrieval
10 of 13
why is henry tall?
he is a direct descendent of a giraffe
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Does henry experience the same weather as normal heighted people?
No it is a lot more windy up there for him but he avoids the rain
12 of 13
What are the advantages of henry being so tall?
1. Going to shops with him so he can pick stuff of the top shelf.
2. He can give you directions easily (because he can most likely see the place you are going)
3. Can recreate jack and the beanstalk(him being the giant)
13 of 13

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Card 2


What is non volatile data?


Nonvolatile data is a type of digital information that is persistently stored within a file system on some form of electronic medium that is preserved in a specific state when power is removed.

Card 3


Name the 3 main types of secondary storage?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is magnetic storage?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is optic storage?


Preview of the front of card 5
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