Community policing

  • Created by: amyoakey
  • Created on: 26-12-19 14:25
The Macpherson Project 1999
Identified significant failures during school boy murder. Institutional racism. Post-Machperson policing - new policy direction
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Ferreira 1996
Community policing is a philosophy of full-service personalized policing, where the same officer patrols and works in the same area on a permanent basis, from a decentralized place, working in a partnership with citizens to identify and solve problem
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Signal crimes. Innes 2007
some criminal and disorderly incidents function as warning signals to people about the distribution of risks to their security in everyday life.
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Grinc, 1994
reduce crime and fear of crime, and to improve neighbourhood conditions is the active involvement of the police in educating citizens about crime prevention and working collaboratively with citizens in solving neighbourhood problems
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Byrne and Pease, 2008
the problems within a partnership with the police in practice is excessive ‘responsibilities’, tensions, rivalries and point scoring, and ineffectuality
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Monolithic public
The problem of community policing is that a monolithic public doesn’t exist – multiple communities and multiple needs.
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reassurance gap
widening gap between (falling) crime levels and (declining) measures of public confidence in policing. the police were quick to see these trends, calling it the reassurance gap to help be better police by noticing local concerns and insecurities.
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Innes 2005. Bobby on the beat
Reassurance policing - emphasis upon reassurance recognizes that much of the popular appeal of uniform patrol and other policing activities lies in how they symbolize the presence of protection
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Card 2


Community policing is a philosophy of full-service personalized policing, where the same officer patrols and works in the same area on a permanent basis, from a decentralized place, working in a partnership with citizens to identify and solve problem


Ferreira 1996

Card 3


some criminal and disorderly incidents function as warning signals to people about the distribution of risks to their security in everyday life.


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Card 4


reduce crime and fear of crime, and to improve neighbourhood conditions is the active involvement of the police in educating citizens about crime prevention and working collaboratively with citizens in solving neighbourhood problems


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Card 5


the problems within a partnership with the police in practice is excessive ‘responsibilities’, tensions, rivalries and point scoring, and ineffectuality


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