Commonly Confused Latin Vocab

A quiz on Latin words which are often confused.


1. What is the English translation of "hortus"?

  • Garden
  • Harbour
  • Having been encouraged
  • I encourage
  • Gate
1 of 10

Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the English translation of "iterum"?

  • Man
  • Journey
  • Food
  • Again
  • Once/some time ago

3. What is the English translation of "iacio"?

  • I live
  • I lie down
  • I fight
  • I throw
  • I agree

4. What is the English translation of "laetus"?

  • Long
  • Excited
  • Wide
  • Happy
  • Having been carried

5. What is the English translation of "liber"?

  • I set free
  • Freedman
  • Book
  • Freedom
  • Children


Alicia White


This is really useful.

terry krigas


Very useful resource aimed at those commonly confused words.

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