Cold War The War of Words

The main points about the Long and Novikov Telegram and the Iron Curtain speech in 1946 and how they affected tensions

What happened in 1946?
War of Words begins this includes the Iron Curtain Speech, The long telegram an the Novikov Telegram
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What was the Iron curtain speech?
It was how Churchill described the divide in Europe when he visited the US congress in '46
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Name the effects and causes of the Iron Curtain Speech?
Cause - Red army occupying east europe Effect - Churchill haad started the war of words by saying he idn't trust Stalin, he had articulated what everyone was thinking,Tensions rose.
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Name the 3 main points the Long Telegram reported.
1) Stalin had given a speech calling for destruction of Capitalism 2) There could be no peace with the USSR while it opposed Capitalism 3) USSR builing Military Power in response to A-Bomb
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What were the two telegrams ?
The Novikov telegram was sent from a USSR spy in America. The Long telegram was sent from an American Spy in the USSR.
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Name the 3 main points the Novikov Telegram reported.
1) America desired to dominate the world 2) After the death of Roosevelt the US no longer interested in co operation with USSR 3) American public was being prepared for war
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Card 2


What was the Iron curtain speech?


It was how Churchill described the divide in Europe when he visited the US congress in '46

Card 3


Name the effects and causes of the Iron Curtain Speech?


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Card 4


Name the 3 main points the Long Telegram reported.


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Card 5


What were the two telegrams ?


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