Cognitive Psychology

What is language?
A system of communication using sounds and symbols that enable us to transmit messages that can be adapted to changes in the environment.
1 of 7
What is infinite generativity?
(Distinguishes language from communication)
The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences
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How can we achieve infinite generativity?
1) Hierarchal System = components that can be combined to form larger units (words - phrases - stories)
2)Governed by Rules = there are specific ways components can be arranged
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What is the universality of language?
(distinguishes language from communication)
Language is everywhere there is humans
e.g. deaf children learn a sign language, every culture has a language
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Why is language part of cognitive psychology?
Language can be explained through learning principles such as association, imitation, and reinforcement.
E.g. babies saying 'mi' for milk - random productions are reinforced
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A weakness of this approach to language?
Overextensions of grammar=
Children say things incorrectly 'i hitted the ball', things that they won't have heard been said by adults
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Biological link to language?
Chomsky suggests that we have an innate biological programme to language that is activated once we are exposed to adult language. This programme is coded in our genes.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is infinite generativity?
(Distinguishes language from communication)


The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences

Card 3


How can we achieve infinite generativity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the universality of language?
(distinguishes language from communication)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is language part of cognitive psychology?


Preview of the front of card 5
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