Cognitive psychology

What does this theory suggest?
That our memory is made up if different parts and not just one store
1 of 9
What is the phonological loop?
The store that deals with the acoustic information through the two sub-systems; the articulatory loop which voices the information and the primary acoustic store which holds the information
2 of 9
What is the visuo-spatial sketch pad?
The visual store that has a limited capacity but processes your visual and spatial images
3 of 9
What was the central executive?
This store manages the two slave systems and allocates memories to one of the systems. It doesn't have storage but processes the 5 senses
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What is the concept of dual-talk abilities?
This is when you can do two tasks at once, but only if they different stores, and not the same ones
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What conflicting evidence is there?
Parkin searched for evidence of the CE but did not find any special areas which weakens the credibility
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Why does it lack mundane realism?
Because there is not a lot of supporting evidence that isn't lab based so it doesn't reflect and cannot be applied to real-life
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Why is this theory useful?
Because it can help explain why dementia patients may have a decline in their stores which makes the theory useful and credible
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What supporting study is there?
Robbins asked people to play chess which used the CE and VSSP whilst taking part in a visual task. The tasks using the same stores impaired the function which makes the theory reliable
9 of 9

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Card 2


What is the phonological loop?


The store that deals with the acoustic information through the two sub-systems; the articulatory loop which voices the information and the primary acoustic store which holds the information

Card 3


What is the visuo-spatial sketch pad?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the central executive?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the concept of dual-talk abilities?


Preview of the front of card 5
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