Cognitive Approach: Depression

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 21-03-22 12:46
What does the cognitive approach suggest?
That emotional problems are the result of cognitive distortions (irrational thinking)
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What are the 2 key theories? (Name them)
.Beck’s cognitive triad
.Ellis’s irrational thinking ABC model
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what is the BCT and what did beck propose?
Beck said depression is caused by negative self schemas which maintain the triad. This causes a negative/irrational view of ourselves, the world and the future. (Illogical thoughts also form).
A schema is a package of knowledge and is developed-
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and how are schemas maintain?
-during childhood. depressed people have a negative self schema which come from negative experiences ie criticism from parents
schemas are maintained as they become fixed from filling in 'gaps' *refer back to the cognitive approach*
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give some examples of a negative self-schema
ineptness schema- sufferers expect failure
a self-blame schema- responsible for misfortunes
a negative-self evaluation schema- constantly reminds themselves of their worthlessness
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what are cognitive biases and what are the 2 key ones?
depressed ppl more likely to focus on negatives in a situation than positives which distort information
overgeneralisations- making a conclusion based on a single incident
catastrophising- exaggerating a minor incident to-
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-think its a complete disaster. these cognitive biases link back to the cognitive triad about themselves, the future and the world.
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what is E's ABC model and what did Ellis propose?
Ellis first explained was a good mental health is, it results from rational thinking and allows people to be happy. The ABC model shows why people become depressed.
A- activating event- an event occurs ie a friend-
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-doesnt say hello back when you did.
B-beliefs- the interpretation of the event ie someone with rational and logical thoughts will think they were busy but someone with irrational thoughts will think it was intentional and that the friend doesn't like the
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C- consequences- rational thinking leads to healthy emotional outcomes ie talking to the friend but irrational thinking leads to unhealthy emotional outcomes ie blocking the friend on all platforms as they think the friend doesn't want to speak to them
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name the evaluations
+application to therapy, effective treatments for depressions ie CBT or REBT- attempt to identify+ challenge irrational thoughts
-does not explain origin of irrational thoughts. most research in this area is correlational-
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-psychologists cant determine if this leads to a negative mindset, could be other factors that. cause depression and so irrational thoughts could be a symptom of depression
-alternative explanations suggesting depression is a-
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-biological condition caused by genes and neurotransmitters ie low levels of serotonin found in ppl with depression and drug therapies increase serotonin
+r.s Boury et al found ppl w depression were more likely to-
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-misinterpret info and feel hopeless of future. +Bates et al also gave depressed patients negative automatic statements to read and found their symptoms became worse.
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what does the treatments for depression assume and what does it include?
the cognitive treatments assume that faulty thinking/thought processes makes a vulnerable to depression. CBT includes cognitive and behavioural elements, the cognitive part aims to identify the negative thoughts and replace them w positive ones-
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-the behavioural part encourages patients to test their beliefs through behavioural experiments at homework
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what are the steps in the therapy?
1. initial assessment- therapist identify patients problems
2. goal setting- they set goals and a plan of action to overcome this
3. identifying N/I thoughts and challenging- -
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- this is done by either becks cognitive triad or Ellis REBT
4. homework- tasks are set for patients to work on it
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what are the similarities/ differences between their therapies?
-> help patient identify N/I thoughts in relation to themselves, world and future from negative triad
->patient and therapist work together to challenge these thoughts by discussing evidence for/against them (reality testing)-
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-> patient encourages to test validity of negative thoughts
-> developed ABC model to include D (dispute) and E (effective), where there thoughts are challenged-
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-through dispute/argument
->therapist will dispute the patients I beliefs to replace it w more effective beliefs (replacing/restructure stage)
-> different type of dispute can be used ie-
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- logical dispute- therapist questions logic of persons thoughts or empirical thoughts- therapist asks to see the evidence for their thoughts
Both then set h/w to prove I beliefs wrong which causes them to change ie socially anxious has to meet a person
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name the evaluations for treatments
+CBT R.S March et al found CBT was as effective as anti-depressants, researchers found 327 adolescents w depression and used A.D, CBT and both. after 36 weeks, 81% of A.D group did well, 81% of CBT did well. -86% of both group did well so need both
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-requires motivation, patients w severe depression may not engage with CBT, attend depressions or do their h/w, so treatment is ineffective. +with A.D you don't need motivation
-CBT has been criticised for overemphasising the-
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-role of cognition, as primary cause of depression does not include factors such as social circumstances which can contribute to someones depression ie someone suffering from domestic violence needs to change circumstances not beliefs
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-success of CBT may not be due to specific techniques, Rosenzweig, argued rs between therapist and client is very important in determining success of psychological therapy, as they may need someone to just talk to rather than-
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-following specific techniques adopted by psychologists. +Lubotsky et al shows that there was a very little difference between the diff methods of psychology in treatments.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 2 key theories? (Name them)


.Beck’s cognitive triad
.Ellis’s irrational thinking ABC model

Card 3


what is the BCT and what did beck propose?


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Card 4


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and how are schemas maintain?


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Card 5


give some examples of a negative self-schema


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