Climate change

  • Created by: Jaylea
  • Created on: 09-05-16 21:35
define climate
the average conditions of precipitation, temperature, pressure nad wind measured over a 30 year period
1 of 15
define climate change
any long term trend or shift in climate
2 of 15
give evidence for short term climate change
instrumental records: surface temp has warmed ny 0.74C between 1990-2000, increase in ocean acidification Ice responce: melting greenland ice sheet increased by 16% since 1979, artic sea ice declining 8.5% per decade
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give evidence for medium term climate change
Historical records: indicates mini ice age and medieval warm period, Tree rings, Retreating glaciers: most glaciers have retreated since 1850
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give evidence for long term climate change
oxygen isotope levels: 200000 ice sheets were @ max means sea levels are lower in glacial periods, CO2 from ice cores: cold ages co2=180ppm, warm periods=280ppm, pollen sequences
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name three natural causes of global warming
changes in solar output, milankovitch cycles, cosmic collision&volcanoes
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what are the treee milankovitch cycles
orbital eccontricity: every 100000 yrs orbit changes from circular to oliptical, Axial tilt: 41000yrs changes from 22 to 24 degrees, Axial position: earth wobbles every 26000 yrs effecting global temp
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define global warming
a recently measured rise in global average surface temperature
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name 4 greenhouse gasses
CO2, Nitrous oxide, methane, CFCs
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describe the albedo effect
higher temperature redults in less ice meaning more heat is absorbed, then less energy is reflected and more is absorbed resulting in higher temeperatures
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describe the posotive feedback loop of permafrost
higher temperature means permafrost will melt realing meathane which will trap heat and casue further temperature rise
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what is eustatic sea level change
global sea level change caused by a change in the amount of water in the oceans (from icecaps melting and thermal-expansion)
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what is isostatic sea level change
movent of land due to a loss or gain in mass (pressure and weight of a glacier)
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what is thermohaline circulation
the flow of warm and cold water that circulates around the wolrds oceans
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how can this be affected
fresh water melt= reduced salt water content= lower density= ocean currents stop
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


define climate change


any long term trend or shift in climate

Card 3


give evidence for short term climate change


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


give evidence for medium term climate change


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


give evidence for long term climate change


Preview of the front of card 5
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