Other questions in this quiz

2. What is a discrete skill?

  • A skill that has a clear beginning and end, has a short time duration for completion, must be started again to repeat the skill
  • A skill that has no clear beginning or end, has a set order or sequence for each subroutine
  • A skill that has an extended time duration, where one movement is the beginning of the next

3. Performers control the start and speed of which skill?

  • Fine skill
  • Self paced
  • Externally paced
  • Low organisation

4. A gross skill uses small muscle groups, small muscle movement while accuracy and precision are vital

  • False
  • True

5. In which skill can the subroutines be easily identified and practiced in isolation?

  • Low organisation
  • Externally paced
  • High organisation
  • Discrete skill


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