Classical Hollywood style

  • Created by: KJ167
  • Created on: 24-11-22 13:18
Origins of classical Hollywood
early 20th century hollywood film makers developed a particular style of shooting and editing to make a film narritive easier to understand, this then became known as classical Hollywood style/continuity style
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Puropse of the continuity style
the continuity style was developed as a way to present a story in a logical, forward and linear progession. it encourages the audiance to become enthralled and captivated by a story but discourages the audiance from consiously noticing the editing and ca
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eye line match
match on action
shot reverse shot
point of veiw shot
180 degree rule
establishing shots
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Eye line match
to keep the eye line matched from one shot to another maintaining the direction that someone is gazing
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Match on action
cutting from on shot of an action to another veiw of the same action
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an action that is occuring at the same time but in a different location and is edited together
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Shot reverse shot
a serise of over the shoulder shots used to alternate from one character to another mostly used in dialouge scenes
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Point of veiw shot
used to directly represent the veiwpoint of that character
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The 180 degree rule
key convention of the classical hollywood stylee that allowd the filmaker to ensure spatial continuity from shot to shot
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Use of establishing shots
Hollywood filmakers developed a logical order of shot construction . this would begin with an establishing shotrevealing the location of the action and then would cut to a closer veiw of the space and the characters inhibiting it.
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Card 2


the continuity style was developed as a way to present a story in a logical, forward and linear progession. it encourages the audiance to become enthralled and captivated by a story but discourages the audiance from consiously noticing the editing and ca


Puropse of the continuity style

Card 3


eye line match
match on action
shot reverse shot
point of veiw shot
180 degree rule
establishing shots


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


to keep the eye line matched from one shot to another maintaining the direction that someone is gazing


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Card 5


cutting from on shot of an action to another veiw of the same action


Preview of the back of card 5
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