Choreographic Skills

Name the 9 ACTION skills (ttegsuft)
Travel, turn, elevation, gesture, stillness, use of different body parts, floor work and transfer of weight
1 of 8
Name the 6 SPACE skills (pldsps)
Pathways, levels, directions, size of movement, patterns and spatial design
2 of 8
Name the 6 DYNAMIC skills (fsasdf)
Fast/slow, sudden/sustained, acceleration/deceleration, strong/light, direct/indirect and flowing/abrupt.
3 of 8
Name the 9 RELATIONSHIP skills (lmaaf and the 4 c's)
Lead and follow, mirroring, action & reaction, accumulation, compliment & contrast, counterpoint, contact and formation.
4 of 8
Name the 9 STRUCTURE skills (btrnebult)
Binary, ternary, rondo, narrative, episodic, beginning/middle/end, unity, logical sequence and transitions.
5 of 8
Name the 7 CHOREOGRAPHIC DEVICES skills (mrchcmu)
Motif &development, repetition, contrast, highlights, climax, manipulation of number and unison & canon.
6 of 8
Name the 8 AURAL SETTING skills (siossnfb)
Song, instrumental, orchestral, spoken word, silence, natural sound, fund sound and body percussion.
7 of 8
Name the 4 PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT skills (pesi)
Proscenium arch, end stage, site-sensitive and in-the-round.
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name the 6 SPACE skills (pldsps)


Pathways, levels, directions, size of movement, patterns and spatial design

Card 3


Name the 6 DYNAMIC skills (fsasdf)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name the 9 RELATIONSHIP skills (lmaaf and the 4 c's)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the 9 STRUCTURE skills (btrnebult)


Preview of the front of card 5
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