
  • Created by: ljubb23
  • Created on: 20-05-21 22:50
What is a Social Construction?
Something created and defined by society
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How is Childhood seen as in Contemporary Britain?
Childhood can be argued to be a privileged time as they have laws protecting them and have all needs met to them in particular there are special arrangements for children through institutions that provide unique caring experiences
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How are Children typically seen?
- Physically and psychologically immature
- Not competent to run their own lives
- Lacking in key skills, knowledge and experience to survive in modern society.
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What are the 2 features of Modern Childhood?
Separateness and The 'Golden Age' of Happiness and Innocence.
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Pilcher's Opinion on Separatness?
Children are distinctly separate firm adults, it’s a clear life stage. Children in society occupy a separate status
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Pilcher's Opinion on The 'Golden Age' of Happiness and Innocence?
This innocence means that children are seen as vulnerable and need protection from the dangers of the adult world.
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Benedict's (1934) 3 distinct differences between modern ‘western’ children from non-industrial societies?
- Earlier Responsibility (Holmes – Samoa)
- Less Obedience to Adult Authority (Firth – Tikopia)
- Sexual Behaviour (Malinowski – Trobriand Islands
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The Criticisms of Aries?
- Aries was criticised for assuming there was no childhood within medieval times, instead the conception of childhood was different (Pollock, 1983)
- Aries based his conclusions on a small sample of untypical French aristocratic families.
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Causes of Child-Centredness?
- Families have gotten smaller which means there is more individual care and attention which increases affluence more money is spent on activities that enrich the child’s experience.
- Working week had shortened being reduced from 70-80 hours to 43 hours
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Reasons for Children's Change in Position?
- Law restricting child labour and excluding children from paid work
- The introduction of compulsory schooling
- Child protection and welfare legislation
- The growth of the idea of children’s rights
- Declining in family size and lower infant mortality
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The March of Progress's View?
- The position of children has improved
- Paints a dark picture of the past
- Children have a better chance of survival than they did in the past.
- Parents invest more in children, financially and emotionally.
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What is Toxic Childhood?
It damages children’s physical, emotional and intellectual development
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What Causes Toxic Childhood?
(Sue Palmer 2007, 2010)
Junk Food, Computer games, intensive marketing to children, long hours worked by parents and growing emphasis on testing in education
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The Conflict View?
Argue that the march of progress view of modern childhood is a false and idealised image that ignores important inequalities. They criticise MOP view by saying that there are inequalities among children, there are inequalities between children and adults
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What is Age Patriarchy?
(Diana Gittins 1998)
- Term to describe inequalities between adults and children.
- Age patriarchy describes adult domination and child dependency
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What is 'Acting Up'?
Acting like adults; Drinking, smoking, swearing.
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What is 'Acting Down'?
Behaving in ways expected of younger children and this is a popular way to resist adult control
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What is Postman's argument of the Disappearance of Childhood?
Argued that lines that used to exist which separated adult and child has become less visible
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What is Information Hierarchy?
Argues childhood was created when printed word came about as adults were able to read and children weren’t which creates a division.
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Criticisms of The Disappearance of Childhood?
- Iona Opie (1993) argues that childhood isn’t disappearing and that children still have their own culture, games, songs, jokes
– Jenks (2005) argues childhood isn’t disappearing it’s changing.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How is Childhood seen as in Contemporary Britain?


Childhood can be argued to be a privileged time as they have laws protecting them and have all needs met to them in particular there are special arrangements for children through institutions that provide unique caring experiences

Card 3


How are Children typically seen?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the 2 features of Modern Childhood?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Pilcher's Opinion on Separatness?


Preview of the front of card 5
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