Child psychology: Cognitive development and education (cognitive)

  • Created by: Rosa335
  • Created on: 20-06-17 22:59
Outline Piaget's theory
children's thought processes are qualitatively different from adults, nature not nurture, Assimilation (practice) and Accommodation (modification), learner should lead education
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Outline stage 1 of cognitive development according to Piaget
sensorimotor stage, birth-2 years, child learns from interactions with environment, only around 7 months the child understands that something out of sight still exists
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Outline stage 2 of cognitive development according to Piaget
Pre-operational stage, 3-6 years, child is egocentric, unable to understand world from another perspective (3 mountain task), child can't conserve (understanding quantity doesn't change when appearance does)
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Outline the Mountain task
child is asked what the doll (on other side of table) would be able to see from a slection of pictures. If she chooses her own view this shows egocentrism according to Piaget
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Outline stage 3 of cognitive development according to Piaget
Concrete operational stage, 7-11 years, child now able to to conserve and can perform quite complex operations but only when real objects at hand, begin to lose egocentric views
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Outline stage 4 of cognitive development according to Piaget
Formal operational stage, 11-adult, shows ability to think logically an systematically, not everyone reaches this advanced stage
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What did Vygotsky suggest infants are born with?
cognitive abilities of memory, attention sensation and perception but require sociocultural interactions to develop higher mental abilities
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What did Vygotsky argue what the key was to children's learning and development ?
Language and Social interaction
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How did Vygotsky see that children would develop most effectively?
Working with peers and adults to develop more sophisticated and advanced skills, education should lead the learner.
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What is scaffolding?
Task where child understands the problem but can't solve it alone
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Who investigated scaffolding?
Landry et al (2002)
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How did Landry investigate scaffolding?
recorded verbal scaffolding between mother and their 3 and 4 year old children as played together. When children were 6 they underwent several measures of executive function, such as working memory and goal directed play
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What did Landry find?
Children's working memory and language skills at 6 years were related to the amount of verbal scaffolding provided by mother at age 3/4
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Outline stage 1 of cognitive development according to Piaget


sensorimotor stage, birth-2 years, child learns from interactions with environment, only around 7 months the child understands that something out of sight still exists

Card 3


Outline stage 2 of cognitive development according to Piaget


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Outline the Mountain task


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Outline stage 3 of cognitive development according to Piaget


Preview of the front of card 5
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