Child Language Development

B.F Skinner 1957
Children learn spoken language through positive and negative reinforcement. A criticism of this theory is that all children pass through the same stages regardless of reinforcement.
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Scaffolding is a part of the educational concept ZPD (Zone of proximal development). This is where a set of difficult skills can be acquired alone and need assistance from others. Children can learn independently but depends on the difficulty skill.
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Children surrounded by language will pick up words by nature. They are born with the ability to organise language.
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Language is easier to learn the younger you are due to the critical learning period.
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Found that new-born babies in France were able to distinguish between French and other unknown languages.
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Looked at football results and found adults can predict who would win through intonation whereas the children (7-11) were largely unsuccessful.
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Berko and Brown - Fis study
Child said fis instead of fish but when correcting the parent who copies they tell them off. Shows that the child thought they were saying it correctly and understood the word.
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Three stages during child's aquisition of language: 1. Labelling (word is attached to one item), 2. Packaging (Word's range of meaning is understood - over extension etc), 3. Network Building (
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Card 2


Scaffolding is a part of the educational concept ZPD (Zone of proximal development). This is where a set of difficult skills can be acquired alone and need assistance from others. Children can learn independently but depends on the difficulty skill.



Card 3


Children surrounded by language will pick up words by nature. They are born with the ability to organise language.


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Card 4


Language is easier to learn the younger you are due to the critical learning period.


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Card 5


Found that new-born babies in France were able to distinguish between French and other unknown languages.


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