Chest auscultation

  • Created by: evepoag
  • Created on: 18-05-22 11:36
What are the medical terms for look, feel, tap, and listen?
Look = inspection
Feel = palpation
Tap = percussion
Listen = auscultation
1 of 15
How many lobes are in your right and left lung?
Right = 3
Left = 2
2 of 15
In a respiratory chest auscultation, what are you listening for?
- breath sounds
- adventitious sounds
3 of 15
Describe bronchial breath sounds
Loud and harsh
Expiration lasts longer than inspiration
4 of 15
Describe bronchovesicular breath sounds
Inspiration and expiration are equal
intermittent intensity
5 of 15
Describe vesicular breath sounds
soft and low pitched
inspiration and first 1/3 of expiration
6 of 15
What are 4 causes of absent breath sounds?
1. atelectasis (mucus plug)
2. pleural effusion
3. pneumothorax
7 of 15
What is the main cause of bronchial breath sounds?
(pneumonia or pulmonary oedema)
8 of 15
Name 5 adventitious breath sounds
1. crackles
2. wheezes
3. ronchi
4. stridor
5. pleural friction rub
9 of 15
When undertaking a cardiac chest auscultation, what is the heart rhythm supposed to sound like?
10 of 15
What position is easiest for cardiac chest auscultation?
Left lateral decubitus position OR patient leaning forward
11 of 15
If you heard 'Lub-dub-dum' what can this indicate?
It is a 3rd heart sound that indicates left ventricular failure (heart failure)
12 of 15
If you heard 'La-lub-dub' what can this indicate?
It is a 4th heart sound that indicates left ventricular hypertrophy (hypertension/cardiomyopathy)
13 of 15
When would you hear a systole heart murmur?
Between S1 and S2
between 'lub' and 'dub'
14 of 15
When would you hear a diastole heart murmur?
After S2 and before S1
after 'dub' and before next 'lub'
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many lobes are in your right and left lung?


Right = 3
Left = 2

Card 3


In a respiratory chest auscultation, what are you listening for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe bronchial breath sounds


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe bronchovesicular breath sounds


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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