chemistry C3 chemical detection quiz

i think i've done a question on everything, but if i haven't tell me and i'll try to fix it :) good luck

  • Created by: S H
  • Created on: 17-05-11 08:19

1. What is the test to find out if a substance contains hydroxide ions ?

  • dip red litmus paper into the solution if it turns blue dissolve it in water or mix it with ammonium salts if amonia is produced then it contains hydroxide ions
  • dip red litmus paper in the solution if there is no colour change dissolve it in water or heat with ammonium salts
  • dip red litmus paper in the solution if it turns purple dissolve it in water or heat with ammonium salts
1 of 8

Other questions in this quiz

2. What colour will the flame test be for sodium?

  • blue-green
  • lilac
  • yellow
  • brick-red

3. Each ion has its own unique test

  • True
  • False

4. How do you calculate moles? Note. / is divide

  • mass x velocity
  • mass / R.A.M
  • mass x R.A.M
  • mass / velocity

5. When sodium hydroxide solution is mixed with iron (II) what colour is the presipitate

  • green
  • white
  • blue
  • brown
  • cream


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