Chemistry C2

  • Created by: Rebecca
  • Created on: 26-01-13 13:28
How do you calculate Relative atomic mass?
relative mass of isotope x relative abundance + relative mass of isotope x relative abundance / relative abundance + relative abundance = relative atomic mass
1 of 12
What two groups are metals and lose electrons to form +ve ions or cations?
Groups 1 and 2
2 of 12
What two groups are non-metals and gain electrons to form -ve ions or cations?
Groups 6 and 7
3 of 12
How many bonds does a diamond form?
4 covalent bonds
4 of 12
How many bonds does graphite form?
3 covalent bonds
5 of 12
How do you calculate the Rf value?
Rf = distance travelled by substance/distance travelled by solvent
6 of 12
What is covalent bonding?
Sharing a pair of Electrons
7 of 12
What is Ionic bonding?
The transfer of Electrons, they either lose or gain Electrons
8 of 12
What are the properties of Alkali Metals (in group 1)?
They are soft and have Low melting points and they react vigorously in water
9 of 12
What are the properties of Halogens (in group 7)?
All have 7 electrons in their outer shell, react with metals to form metal halides, react with hydrogen to make hydrogen halides
10 of 12
What are the properties of Noble Gases (in group 0)
They're all colourless gases, the boiling points and densities increase as you go down the group
11 of 12
Flame test: What colour flame does: sodium,potassium,calcium and copper produce?
Sodium: yellow/orange flame. Potassium: lilac flame. Calcium: brick-red flame. Copper: blue-green flame.
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What two groups are metals and lose electrons to form +ve ions or cations?


Groups 1 and 2

Card 3


What two groups are non-metals and gain electrons to form -ve ions or cations?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many bonds does a diamond form?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many bonds does graphite form?


Preview of the front of card 5
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