
What is the equation for calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid?
Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid --> calcium carbonate + water + carbon dioxide.
1 of 12
How can you measure the rate (speed) of a reaction?
If you measure the amount of gas given off and measure the time it takes, you can tell the rate of reaction.
2 of 12
What does the rate of reaction depend on?
The frequency of collisions between particles and the energy with which particles collide.
3 of 12
What factors affect the rate of reaction?
Increased temperature, increased concentration of dissolved reactants, and increased pressure of gaseous reactants, increased surface area of solid reactants and use of catalyst.
4 of 12
How does surface area affect rate of reaction?
The smaller the surface area, the faster the rate of reaction.
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What are catalysts?
Catalysts are substances that change the rate of reaction without being used up in the reaction. They never produce more product - they just produce the same amount more quickly.
6 of 12
What is percentage yield?
The percentage yield of a chemical reaction shows how much product was actually made compared with the amount of product that was expected.
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How do you calculate percentage yield?
Percentage yield = (actual yield / expected yield) x100
8 of 12
What is atom economy?
Atom economy is a way to measure the amount of atoms wasted when making a chemical. The higher the atom economy, the 'greener' the process.
9 of 12
How do you calculate atom economy?
Atom economy = (formula mass of desired products / sum of formula mass of all products) x100
10 of 12
What is a continuous process?
A chemical that is needed in a large amount is usually made by a continuous process. Production goes on all the time.
11 of 12
What is a batch process?
A chemical that is needed in small quantities is usually made by batch process. Production doesn't go on all the time.
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How can you measure the rate (speed) of a reaction?


If you measure the amount of gas given off and measure the time it takes, you can tell the rate of reaction.

Card 3


What does the rate of reaction depend on?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What factors affect the rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does surface area affect rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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