Chemistry | Topic 6

How do you calculate the rate of a reaction at a specific time?
Draw tangent, find gradient by change Y / change X
1 of 21
What is the activation energy?
The minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to take place
2 of 21
What are the 3 considerations when cpmparing reaction rates?
Speed, safety and cost
3 of 21
How does temperature effect the rate of reaction?
Increased temperature increases the frequency of collisions, as particles gain energy in there kinetic energy stores
4 of 21
How does an increased concentration effect rate of reaction?
More particles in a given area so collisions are more frequent
5 of 21
How does an increase of pressure increase the rate of reaction?
Means there are more collisions as particles have kinetic energy
6 of 21
How does breaking down bigger molecules into smaller molecules increase rate of reaction?
More surface area exposed, so there are more collisions
7 of 21
What is a catalyst?
Substances that increase the rate of reaction without changing the reaction or being used up
8 of 21
Give two properties of catalysts
Lowers the activation energy | Can be reused indefinitely
9 of 21
What catalyst is used to make ammonia?
10 of 21
Give two advantages of catalysts and one disadvantage
Cost effective + reduces burning of fossil fuels | Toxic~ gets into ecosystems
11 of 21
What does collision theory say?
Particles must collide with enough energy for a reaction to take place
12 of 21
If the forward reaction is exothermic what will the backwards reaction be?
13 of 21
What is meant by conservation of energy?
The energy released/absorbed by the forward reaction will be equal to the energy absorbed/released by the backward reaction
14 of 21
What is a closed system?
Where reactants and products can neither be added or removed
15 of 21
What is a dynamic equilibrium?
The rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the backwards reaction | both reactions take place
16 of 21
What is Le Chateliers Principle say?
If any of the conditions of a reversible reaction at equilibrium are changed, the system will change to counter this change
17 of 21
What happens to the equilibrium if the temperature is increased?
Position of equilibrium shifts in the endothermic direction | Increase in products in endothermic direction and decrease in the products of exothermic direction
18 of 21
What happens to the equilibrium if the temperature is decreased?
Position of equilibrium shifts in exothermic direction | increase in products in exothermic direction and decrease of products in endothermic direction
19 of 21
What happens to the equilibrium if the pressure is increased?
Equilibrium shifts to the reaction which produces fewest gas molecules
20 of 21
What happens to the equilibrium if the pressure is decreased?
Equilibrium shifts to the reaction which produces the most gas molecules
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the activation energy?


The minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to take place

Card 3


What are the 3 considerations when cpmparing reaction rates?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does temperature effect the rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does an increased concentration effect rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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