Chemistry Revision

What did Mendeleev do to the elements on the periodic table?
• He ordered them in order of atomic weights. • He lefts gaps for undiscovered elements • He then used his table to predict properties.
1 of 8
What did Dalton do to develop the atom?
He suggested that substances were made up of atoms and that each element had its own atoms. He believed that these atoms could not be split.
2 of 8
What did JJ Thompson do to develop the atom?
He discovered the electron. He applied high voltages to gases at low pressure. He then developed the plum pudding model which showed that charges must balance out.
3 of 8
What did Geiger and Marsden do to develop the atom?
They did an experiment with radioactive alpha particles. They fired charged particles at an atom - they expected them to pass straight though but they were surprised by the results.
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What did Rutherford do to develop the atom?
He suggested that the electrons must be orbiting the nucleus in shells.
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What did Bohr do to develop the atom?
He noticed that the light given out when atoms were heated ony has specific amounts of energy. He suggested that the electrons must be orbiting the nucleus at set distances.
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What did Chadwick do to develop the atom?
Although protons had been discovered neutrons had not been tested. Chadwick noticed that neutrons must have no charge and the same mass as protons when doing an experiment.
7 of 8
What is the equation for the mean rate of reaction?
Mean rate of reaction (g/s, cm ^3/s, mol/s) = Quantity of product formed or reactant used / Time (Sec)
8 of 8

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Card 2


What did Dalton do to develop the atom?


He suggested that substances were made up of atoms and that each element had its own atoms. He believed that these atoms could not be split.

Card 3


What did JJ Thompson do to develop the atom?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Geiger and Marsden do to develop the atom?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Rutherford do to develop the atom?


Preview of the front of card 5
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