Chemistry Paper 1 REAL

  • Created by: IJM22
  • Created on: 03-02-19 10:22
What is an element?
When all the atoms are the same
1 of 21
How many elements are there?
Around 100
2 of 21
What is the symbol for magneisum?
3 of 21
What is the symbol for suflur?
4 of 21
What are compounds?
Two or more different elements chemically combned in a fixed proportion
5 of 21
Name a key factor about compounds?
They usually have different properties to the elements that they're made from
6 of 21
How do you seperate a compound back into its elements?
By using a chemical reaction
7 of 21
What is a mixture?
When we have different elements or compounds not chemically combined together
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How do you seperate mixtures?
By using physical techniques e.g. filtration, distillation or crstallization
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What is correct about a molecule?
It has any elements chemically joined
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What is filtration used for?
To separate an insoluble solid from a liquid
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What is cystallisation used for?
To separate a soluble solid from a liquid
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What is simple distillation used for?
To separate a liquid from a solid
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What does fractional distillation allow us to do?
Separate two different liquids
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How does simple distillation work?
1) First we evaporate the liquid by heating 2) We then condense the vapour by cooling
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Why is simple distillation not used for drinking water?
As a great deal of energy is required for simple distillation
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What happens in fractional distillation?
We seperate a mixture od different liquids
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What is a key point in fractional distillation?
The liquids must have different boiling points
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What factors do you need to consider when it comes to fractional distillation?
1) If the two liquids have got similar boiling points, then it is much harder to separate them 2) Using fractional distillation to purify large volumes of liquid e.g. crude oil require different equipment
19 of 21
What is a solvent?
A liquid that will dissolve substances
20 of 21
Why do we draw our starting line in pencil when it comes to paper chromatography?
Because if we drew the line in pen, the pen i
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many elements are there?


Around 100

Card 3


What is the symbol for magneisum?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the symbol for suflur?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are compounds?


Preview of the front of card 5
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