  • Created by: IJM22
  • Created on: 24-05-19 14:15
How is crude oil formed?
It is formed over a million years from the remains of tiny sea creatures called plankton which were buried in mud
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What is crude oil?
A mixture of molecules called hydrocarbon
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What does methane contain?
It contains one carbon atom covalently bonded to four hydrocarbon atoms
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How are hydrocarbons?
Molecules made up of hydrogen and carbon atoms only
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What is the general formula for alkanes
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What is propane?
An alkane with 3 carbon atoms
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What is butane?
An alkane with 4 carbon atoms
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Fluids with a high viscosity do what?
Flow slowly
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What happens to the size of the hydrocarbon molecules if it increases?
The molecules get more viscous (able to flow more easily)
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What do long chain hydrocarbons do?
Flow very slowly
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What does flammability tell us?
How easily a hydrocarbon combusts (burns)
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What are short chain hydrocarbons?
Extremely flammable
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What happens to the size of the hydrocarbon molecules as they increase?
The molecules become less flammable
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What do short chain hydrocarbons have? High or low boiling points?
Low boiling points
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What happens in fractional distillation?
Crude oil is formed into fractions.
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What do fractions contain?
Contain hydrocarbons with a similar number of carbon atoms
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Where does fractional distillation take place?
In very large columbs
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What is a feedstock?
A chemical that is used to make other chemicals
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What are feedstock fractions used for?
To make solvents, lubricants and polymers
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What is a formulation?
A complex mixture that has been designed as a useful product
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What do fomulations include?
Fuels, medicines and food
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How much of the atomsphere consists of nitrogen?
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How much of the atompsphere is oxygen?
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Why can't scientists not be certain about the early atomsphere?
As the Earth is around 4,600 million years old
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What do volcanoes release?
A huge amount of carbon dioxide
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What did the early atompshere consist of?
Mainly of carbon dioxide with small but increasing amounts of nitrogen
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How is coal formed?
1. From the remains of ferns and trees 2. Over time, the plant remains are covered with sediment and compressed 3. High temperatures and pressure creates coal
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How is crude oil formed?
1. Formed from plankton which are tiny plants and animals found in the sea 2. When these die, they settle in mud on the sea-bed 3. Over time they are comrpessed by sediment 4. Heat and pressure then conver them into crude oil
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is crude oil?


A mixture of molecules called hydrocarbon

Card 3


What does methane contain?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How are hydrocarbons?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the general formula for alkanes


Preview of the front of card 5
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