Chemistry Key Terms pt.1

Containing Carbon atoms joined together in a ring that is not aromatic
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Containing Carbon atoms joined together in straight or branched chains
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Hydrocarbon homologous series with single C-C bonds. General formula =
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Hydrocarbon homologous series with at least one C=C double bond. General formula =
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Alkyl Group
A side chain formed by removing a Hydrogen atom removed from an alkane parent chain. Examples : Methyl ( ), Ethyl ( )
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Containing no water molecules
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A negatively charged ion with more electrons than protons
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Containing one or more Benzene rings
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Atomic Orbital
A region around the nucleus that can hold up to 2 electrons, with opposite spins
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A compound that neutralises an acid to form a salt
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Binary Compound
A compound containing only 2 elements
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Bronsted-Lowry Acid
A species that is a proton, H+, donor
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Bronsted-Lowry Base
A species that is aproton, H+, acceptor
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An ion that contains a positively charged Carbon atom
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A positively charged ion with fewer electrons than protons
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cis-trans Isomerism
A special type of E/Z isomerism where theres 2 non-Hydrogen and 2 Hydrogen atoms around the C=C double bond. The cis isomer (Z isomer) has H atoms on each carbon on the same side. The trans isomer (E isomer) has H atoms on each carbon on diff. sides.
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Covalent Bond
The strong electrostatic attraction between a shared pair of electrons and the nuclei of the bonded atoms
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Dative Covalent Bond
A shard pair of electrons in which the bonded pair has been provided by one of the bonding atoms only. Also known as a coordinate bond
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A seperation in electrical charge so that one atom of a polar covalent bond, or one end of a polar molecule, has a small positive charge ( ) and the other has a small negative charge ( )
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E/Z isomerism
A type of Stereoisomerism in which different groups attach to each Carbon of a C=C double bond may be arranged differently in space because of the restricted rotation of the C=C bond
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Containing Carbon atoms joined together in straight or branched chains



Card 3


Hydrocarbon homologous series with single C-C bonds. General formula =


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Card 4


Hydrocarbon homologous series with at least one C=C double bond. General formula =


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Card 5


A side chain formed by removing a Hydrogen atom removed from an alkane parent chain. Examples : Methyl ( ), Ethyl ( )


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