chemistry chapter 3

zinc+hydrochloric >
zinc chloride+hydrogen
1 of 20
when a metal reactions with hydrochloric acid it creates
a salt and hydrogen gas
2 of 20
why do you hear a squeaky pop when you light a splint above a test tube with hydrogen gas
hydrogen and oxygen react explosively
3 of 20
what is the most reactive metal
4 of 20
what happens when you sprinkle zinc powder into a bunsen flame
bright-white sparks
5 of 20
what forms when a metal reacts with oxygen
an oxide
6 of 20
magnesium reacts______with dilute acids
7 of 20
calcium+water >
calcium hydroxide + hydrogen
8 of 20
group 1 metals react_____with water
9 of 20
there is a _____when potassium reacts with water
10 of 20
what does magnesium react slowly with
cold water
11 of 20
magnesium + water >
magnesium oxide + hydrogen
12 of 20
what non-metal can be placed in the reactivity series?
13 of 20
scientists get copper from rock using...
chemical reactions
14 of 20
what reaction involves mixing two powders and heating them strongly
15 of 20
a rock that you can extract a metal from is called an
16 of 20
what is a mixture of iron oxide and other compounds
iron ore
17 of 20
to extract iron from its ore, firstly separate iron oxide from the _____ it is mixed with
18 of 20
to extract iron from its ore, secondly use___ ___to extract iron from iron oxide
chemical reactions
19 of 20
why is gold always exists as the element itself?
it is very unreactive
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


when a metal reactions with hydrochloric acid it creates


a salt and hydrogen gas

Card 3


why do you hear a squeaky pop when you light a splint above a test tube with hydrogen gas


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the most reactive metal


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what happens when you sprinkle zinc powder into a bunsen flame


Preview of the front of card 5
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