Chemistry AS Definitions

  • Created by: Safaxo
  • Created on: 13-05-18 22:15
Atomic number
The number of PROTONS in an atom
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Mass number
The number of PROTONS and NEUTRONS in an atom
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Atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
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Relative atomic mass (Ar)
The AVERAGE mass of one atom of an ELEMENT in comparison to the mass of one atom of C12 taken as 12.000
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A region in space around the nucleus where the PROBABILITY of finding an ELECTRON is MAXIMUM
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Ionisation energy
The energy REQUIRED to remove an electron from each atom in ONE MOLE of GASEOUS atoms to form one mole of GASEOUS IONS
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Successive ionisation energies
Energies required to remove 2nd, 3rd and 4th electrons
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The AVERAGE mass of one MOLECULE relative to the mass of one C12 atom taken as 12.000
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The AVERAGE mass of one FORMULA UNIT relative to the mass of one C12 atom taken as 12.000
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The amount of substance that contains 6.022 x 10^23 particles
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Molar mass
The mass of ONE MOLE of substance in GRAMS
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Empirical formula
Formula that shows the SIMPLEST WHOLE NUMBER RATIO of elements in the molecule of a compound
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Molecular formula
Formula that shows the ACTUAL RATIO of the elements in one molecule of the compound
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Strength of a solution
AMOUNT of SOLUTE (g) dissolved in 1dm3 of solution
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Concentration of solution
Number of MOLES (n) of solute dissolves in 1dm3 of solution
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Made up of only ONE type of atom
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Smallest part of an element
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One type of molecule combine CHEMICALLY in a FIXED RATIO
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Ionic bond
The electrostatic forces of attraction between two oppositely charged IONS in a LATTICE
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Covalent bond
SHARED pair of electrons between two NON-METALS to complete their octets
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Co-ordinate bond
Is a covalent bond with BOTH ELECTRONS supplied by the SAME ATOM
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Metallic bonding
Metals consist of a LATTICE of positive ions existing in a sea of DELOCALISED ELECTRONS which are attracted by electrostatic FOA
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The power of an atom to attract the electron density in a covalent bond towards itself
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Latent heat of fusion
Heating a SOLID (breaks forces)
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Latent heat of vaporisation
Heating a LIQUID (breaks forces)
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Energy is RELEASED
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Energy is ABSORBED
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Enthalpy change
Heat change at a CONSTANT PRESSURE in a chemical process
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Enthalpy change of FORMATION
The change when 1 MOLE of substances is formed from its elements in their STANDARD STATES, under STANDARD CONDITIONS
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Enthalpy change of COMBUSTION
The heat change when 1 MOLE of a substance in it's STANDARD STATE is burned completely in EXCESS O2 under STANDARD CONDITIONS
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Enthalpy change of NEUTRALISATION
The heat change when 1 MOLE of WATER is formed by complete neutralisation of an acid with an alkali under STANDARD CONDITIONS in their STANDARD STATES
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Enthalpy change of DISPLACEMENT
The heat change when 1 MOLE of a metal displaces another metal from the AQEOUS SOLUTION of it's sale under STANDARD CONDITIONS, all substances in their STANDARD STATES
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Specific heat capacity
Amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1K
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Hess's law
The total enthalpy change of a reaction is INDEPENDENT OF THE REACTION ROUTE
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Bond enthalpy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The number of PROTONS and NEUTRONS in an atom


Mass number

Card 3


Atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The AVERAGE mass of one atom of an ELEMENT in comparison to the mass of one atom of C12 taken as 12.000


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A region in space around the nucleus where the PROBABILITY of finding an ELECTRON is MAXIMUM


Preview of the back of card 5
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