Chemistry 3

Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant
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Where does it come from?
complete combustion, were it reacts with oxygen and produce energy, water and Carbon Dioxide.
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What is the enviromental impact does it cause?
It causes Global Warming
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Carbon Monoxide
Is the pollutant
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Where does it come from?
Incomplete combustion, in limited access of Oxygen not all the atoms of Carbon can react fully with Oxygen.
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what enviromental impact does it cause?
It causes poising to people
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Sulfur Dioxide
Is the pollutant
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Where does it come from?
impority of fules then a sulfur dioxide a toxic gas
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what enviromental impact does it cause?
when this dissolves in rain water it causes acid rain.
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Nitrogen Oxides
It is a pollutant
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Where does it come from?
High temperatures inside a car engine causes normally, unreactive nitrogen to react woth oxygen
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what enviromental impacts does it cause?
when nitrogen oxides dissolve in rain water they cause acvid rain
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It is a pollutant
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where does it come from?
combustion. The unburnt parts of the fule are carried up into the atmosphere. Particulates can block out the sun in a process called global dimming
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what enviromental impacts does it cause?
the particulates have also been linked to lung disease and cancer.
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combustion. The unburnt parts of the fule are carried up into the atmosphere. Particulates can block out the sun in a process called global dimming
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what enviromental impacts does it cause?
the particulates have also been linked to lung disease and cancer.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where does it come from?


complete combustion, were it reacts with oxygen and produce energy, water and Carbon Dioxide.

Card 3


What is the enviromental impact does it cause?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Carbon Monoxide


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where does it come from?


Preview of the front of card 5
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