Chapter 1: Money

  • Created by: Alana
  • Created on: 29-11-12 09:27
Total money received from a persons wages/salary, interest and dividends.
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Getting money from a lender that must be repaid in the future (e.g. a mortgage).
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Putting money aside for later use.
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Needs and wants
Needs are essential to our lives but wants are things we could survive without.
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Leaving school, college/ university
When a person ceases to be in full-time education and looks for employment.
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Gaining employment
Being offered and accepting a paid job.
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A new higher-paid job role involving greater responsibility and skill.
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The amount still owing from funds borrowed.
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When an individual without a job is seeking paid employment or is able to work.
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When we cease to do paid employment.
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Regular payments from a government to support people in need.
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Tax Credit
A state benefit paid to employees through the tax system, which acts like a negative tax.
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A benefit paid as of right to those of retirement age who have paid the minimum National Insurance contributions.
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A fee levied by a government on a product, income activity.
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Tax Allowances
Sums deducted from total income before income tax is calculated
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Resources are limited compared with our 'needs' and 'wants'.
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Deciding between different options because our resources are limited.
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Basic Economic problem
Resources are limited but 'needs' and 'wants' are infinite.
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The land, labour, capital and enterprise used to produce goods and services.
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Opportunity Cost
Something given up when we make a choice.
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The advantages of a particular choice.
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The expenses and drawbacks of a particular choice.
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The quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a particular price.
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Factors affecting supply
Things that cause suppliers to offer more or less of a good or service at a particular price.
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A market exists whenever buyers and sellers come together.
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The process of trying to beat others (e.g. trying to gain more customers).
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Bank/buildings society savings account
An account for which the main objective is to gain interest and keep money safe.
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Post Office card account
Savings account offered by the Post Office.
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Individual savings account on which interest is tax free.
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Interest Rates
An annual rate which is charged to borrowers or paid to savers.
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Annual Equivalent Rate (AER)
A figure quoted in savings advertisements to help people compare one savings product with another.
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The return received for taking risks.
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The chance that something may not succeed and its consequence.
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Stock Market
The place where stocks, shares and bonds are traded.
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Certificate representing a unit of ownership in a company.
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Unit trusts
A pooled investment fund usually in shares-based investments.
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Government Securities
Stocks, bonds and bills of exchange issued by a government to raise the funds.
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Getting money from a lender that must be repaid in the futre (e.g. mortgage)
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Amount of money borrowed.
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Term of a loan
The length of time over which the loan can be repaid.
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Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
The interest rate published on loans to help compare their true costs.
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Financial Planning
A process for ensuring that financial goals are met.
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A financial plan of future income and spending.
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Financial adviser
A professional offering financial advice.
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Debt Management
Taking the help of an expert to solve a debt problem.
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Debt Management Plan
A structured repayment plan.
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Social, moral or ethical dilemma
A problem with no absolute right or wrong solution.
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Ethical Lending Policy
A statement that loans will only be made to businesses that act in a socially responsible manner.
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The 'rights' and 'wrongs' of an issue.
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The quantity of a good or service that businesses will offer for sale at a particular price.
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Factors affecting demand
Things that cause consumers to buy more or less of a product at a given price.
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Market Price
The price that buyers and sellers agree on for a particular good or service.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Getting money from a lender that must be repaid in the future (e.g. a mortgage).



Card 3


Putting money aside for later use.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Needs are essential to our lives but wants are things we could survive without.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


When a person ceases to be in full-time education and looks for employment.


Preview of the back of card 5
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