(Chapter 8) Space Physics

What are the planets in the solar system?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
1 of 10
What is a planet? A moon?
A planet is a large body which orbits the sun. A moon is a natural satellite in orbit around a planet.
2 of 10
Why do things move in a circle in the solar system?
Because of centripetal force, if this stopped, the object would just fly off.
3 of 10
What is the Doppler Effect?
As an object gets closer, the waves compress. As it gets further away, the wave's stretch.
4 of 10
What is CMBR? How does it prove the Big Bang theory?
It is cosmic microwave background radiation. It has been observed to be the radiation from the big bang and its speed/distance match that.
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What is red shift? How does it prove the Big Bang theory?
As light moves away from something, at a fast enough speed, it glows red. This red glow has been seen around galaxies so they must be moving away and they can be traced back to a point where they were all together. This point is believed to be the BB
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How do stars form?
A cloud of cold hydrogen and dust collapsing > Atoms and molecules move fast and collide > Atoms begin to fuse together
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What is a main sequence star? A red giant?
One that releases energy by fusing hydrogen to form helium. A red giant is a very large star that fuses helium into heavier elements.
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What is a supernova? A neutron star?
A huge explosion caused by runaway fusion reactions in a very large star. A neutron star is a very dense, small star made out of neutrons.
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What is a black hole?
The most concentrated state of matter. Not even light can escape it.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a planet? A moon?


A planet is a large body which orbits the sun. A moon is a natural satellite in orbit around a planet.

Card 3


Why do things move in a circle in the solar system?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Doppler Effect?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is CMBR? How does it prove the Big Bang theory?


Preview of the front of card 5
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