Chapter 6- Tissues and Organs

Describe strusture of the serosa
-outside layer of connective tissue
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what's the function of the serosa?
-provides thin protective, supportive lining for alimentary canal
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Describe the structure of the muscularis externa
-outer layer of longtitudinal muscle along alimentry canal - inner layer of circular muscle around alimentry canal -below serosa
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What's the function of the muscularis externa?
-contractions of longtitudinal muscle causes pendular movement -contractions of cm causes local constrictions - helps churn food and push food along gut in peristaltic waves
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Describe the structure of the submucosa
-composed mostly of connective tissue -below muscularis externa -many blood vessels/lymphatic vessels
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What's the function of submucosa?
vessels crucial in transporting absorbed food products
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Describe the structure of the muscularis mucosa
- thin layer of muscle lies between sub mucosa&mucosa -small strands of muscle extend from main muscularis through mucosa into each villus
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What's the function of the muscularis mucosa ?
-moving villi present in mucosa, increasing contact with digested food in gut lumen - contractions of strands produce wafting movement of villi
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Describe the structure of Mucosa
-Layer in contact with food in gut lumen
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What's the function of the mucosa?
specialised with increased surface area due to presence of villi/microvilli
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How thick are the columnar epithelial cells?
one cell thick
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why is there surface area extended and what does this produce?
-presence of microvilli -gives brush border appearance
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Why are the colimnar epithelial cells rich in mitochondria?
- For active transport of some absorbed food products - requires ATP for active transport of molecules
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Describe how the products are absorbed into the blood
-Active transport and facilitated diffusion- glucose/ amino acids are taken into epithelial cells by AT and then diffuse into capillary network due to concentration buld up in cells - lipid soluables can diffuse into cells lining in villi
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How are lipids transported out?
lacteals (lymphatic system)
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How is pinocytocis involved?
Absorbtion of some substances eg. antibodies in babies passed from breast milk into their blood system without digestion
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Where is the location of Goblet cells ?
within columnar epithelium cells
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What is the function of Goblet cells ?
secrete mucus which facilitates movement of food , protects lining from enzymes
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Where is the location of capillaries?
within villi
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What is the function of Capillaries?
transports amino acids and monosaccharides out of villi
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where is the location of the lacteal?
within the villi (lymphatic system)
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What is the function of the lacteal?
transporting lipids
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Where is the location of crypts of Lieberkuhn?
intestinal glands that lie embedded in the tissue between villi and each trough
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What is the function of CoL?
producing new cells through dividing in mitosis
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Where is the location of Paneth cells ?
At the base of the crypts
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What is the function of Paneth cells?
Anti microbial function in protecting their neighbouring actively dividing cells
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Label the diagram of a section through a typical mesophytic leaf
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what is the function of the upper epidermis?
-protective layer -no chloroplasts no direct link to photosynthesis -covered in waxy cuticle, reduced water loss -transparent,doesnt impede passage of light
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What is the function of the palisade mesophyll?
-Primary photosynthesizing region - maximises harvesting of light energy -regular arrangement, pack as many as possible -many chloroplasts, maximises photo synthesis -large vacuole helps light to pass through layers with minimum shading
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What is the functionof the spongy mesophyll?
-irregular arrangement,formation of intercellular spaces -encourage diffusion for gas exchange -less significant for photosynthesis -large gas exchange surface
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What is the function of vascular tissue?
-Xylem vessel transport water/inorganic ions through plant -Phloem sieve tubes transport sugars away from leaf and to plant storage -converted to starch or for respiration
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What is the function of the lower epidermis?
-covered in thinner waxy cuticle as less transpiration occurs
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What is the function of the stomata?
opening/closing controlled by guard cells - gas exchange
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What is the function of guard cells?
-turgid: expand and open the pore of stomata, facilitating gas exchange -less turgid:pore closes and reduces water loss
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what's the function of the serosa?


-provides thin protective, supportive lining for alimentary canal

Card 3


Describe the structure of the muscularis externa


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What's the function of the muscularis externa?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the structure of the submucosa


Preview of the front of card 5
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