(Chapter 6) The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change

How do you calculate the mean rate of reaction?
Quantity of reactant used/time OR Quantity of product formed/time
1 of 12
How do you find the rate of reaction from a reaction rate curve?
Find the tangent of the curve and work out the gradient. The answer is the gradient cm^3/s.
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What does a steep slope show on a reaction rate curve?
The steeper the curve, the faster the reaction!
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What is collision theory?
For a chemical reaction to take place, particles of the reactants must collide with enough energy to react. Successful reactions take place when reactant particles collide with enough energy to react; unsuccessful ones occur when there is not energy.
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How does temperature affect the rate of reaction?
The higher the temperature, the faster the reaction as particles have more energy.
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How does concentration of reactants affect the rate of reaction?
The higher the concentration, the greater the rate of reaction because there are more particles so more frequesnt successful collisions.
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How does pressure affect the rate of reaction?
The greater the presence of gas, the closer the reactant particles are together.
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How does surface affect the rate of reaction?
The greater the surface area, the greater the rate of reaction as there are more particles on the surfce that can react.
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How does the presence of catalysts affect the rate of reaction?
Catalysts speed up a chemical reaction by providing it with a different route to take that requires less activation energy. Hence, the more there is, the easier it is for a reaction to occur.
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What is dynamic equilibrium?
When the forward and backward reaction occur at the samwe time and rate, with no overall change in concentration of reactants or products.
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What is Le Chatelier's Principle?
"If a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions [temperature, pressure or concentration], the positioning of the equilibrium moves to counteract the change.
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What would happen if you decrease the temperature in an exothermic reaction?
The sytem will increase it again, favouring the exothermic reaction producing more product. Increaing the temperature would oppositely increase the backward reaction.
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Card 2


How do you find the rate of reaction from a reaction rate curve?


Find the tangent of the curve and work out the gradient. The answer is the gradient cm^3/s.

Card 3


What does a steep slope show on a reaction rate curve?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is collision theory?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does temperature affect the rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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