Changing Speed

  • Created by: Lily04
  • Created on: 11-06-17 18:27
What does a horizontal line on a speed-time graph represent?
speed is constant
1 of 10
how do you work out total distance travelled from a speed-time graph?
total area under the graph
2 of 10
Complete the sentence: The faster the speed of an object...
the greater the distance it travels in a particular time and the shorter the time it takes to travel a particular distance.
3 of 10
The gradient of a speed-time graph represents what ?
Acceleration or deceleration
4 of 10
Define acceleration/deceleration
The acceleration/deceleration of an object is the change in speed per second. It's a measure of how quickly an object speeds up or slows down.
5 of 10
Give the formula for working out acceleration
acceleration = change in speed / time taken for change
6 of 10
What is velocity?
velocity is speed in a certain direction
7 of 10
What is meant by acceleration being a VECTOR QUANTITY?
Acceleration can involve a change of direction as well as speed- acceleration is a CHANGE IN VELOCITY
8 of 10
How do you calculate the relative velocity of two objects if they are MOVING TOWARDS EACH OTHER?
add the two speeds together
9 of 10
How do you calculate the relative velocity of two objects if they are MOVING IN THE SAME DIRECTION?
subtract the two speeds from each other
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


how do you work out total distance travelled from a speed-time graph?


total area under the graph

Card 3


Complete the sentence: The faster the speed of an object...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The gradient of a speed-time graph represents what ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define acceleration/deceleration


Preview of the front of card 5
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