Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the function of the Nucleus in a cell

  • Controls what goes in and out of the cell
  • Contains chlorophyll
  • Controls the activities of the cell
  • Keeps the cell from drying up

3. Which of the following is the correct word equation for Anaerobic respiration in animals

  • Glucose + carbon dioxide= oxygen +water +energy
  • Glucose= energy +Carbon dioxide+ lactic acid
  • Lactic acid + oxygen = glucose +carbon dioxide
  • Glucose +oxygen = carbon dioxide+water +energy

4. If you don’t water a plant it wilts. This is most likely because…

  • Anaerobic respiration has made the plants die
  • Water has moved into the vacuole due to diffusion
  • The water has moved out of the vacuole so the cells collapse
  • Lactic acid has built up in the plant cells

5. What three things are ONLY found in plant cells

  • Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus
  • Vacuole, cytoplasm, nucleus
  • Cell wall, chloroplasts, vacuole
  • Cell wall, chloroplasts, mitochondria


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