
  • Created by: Hindleyc
  • Created on: 28-02-18 12:54
What does the nucleus contain?
Nearly all of the cell's genetic material
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What is the nucleus surrounded by?
A double membrane called the envelope
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What does the envelope contain?
Nuclear pores that enable molecules to enter and leave such as RNA and ribosomes
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What makes up the bulk of the nucleus?
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What is the nucleoplasm full of?
Chromatin- a DNA/Protein complex
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What is the nucleolus?
Site of ribosome production
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What is the mitochondria?
Oval shaped organelle where aerobic respiration takes place
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What's the double membrane called surrounding the mitochondria?
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What does the outer membrane do? how?
Controls entry and exit of materials. It is simple and permeable
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What is the inner membrane folded to form?
Projections called the Cristae
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What does the cristae have? What does this allow?
Large surface area for attachment of enzymes involved in respiration
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What is the space enclosed by the inner membrane called?
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What does the matrix contain?
Small circular strands of DNA (traces), all enzymes needed for respiration, proteins and lipids
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What is the inner membrane studded with?
Stalked particles that are the site of ATP synthesis
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What are Chloroplasts?
The site of photosynthesis
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What is the chloroplast enclosed by?
Double membrane
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What does the thylakoid membrane contain?
Chlorophyll- site of photosynthesis
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What is the thylakoid membrane folded into?
Thylakoid disks
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What are the thylakoid disks stacked into?
Piles called grana
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What is the space between the inner membrane and thylakoid called?
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What do chloroplasts also contain?
Starch grains, ribosomes and circular DNA
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Adaptations of chloroplasts to speed up light harvesting/ diffusion
Large SA and flat disk shape
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What is the golgi body?
Series of flattened sacs with vesicles formed from the ER
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What is its function
Modifies molecules and packages them for specific destinations inside or outside the cell e.g transport proteins from RER to cell membrane for export
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How does it work
Part of RER containing proteins fuses with one side of GB membrane while at other side small vesicles bud off and move towards cell membrane
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How do they release contents?
Fuse and exocytosis
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What do the flattened cavities contain?
All the necessary enzymes
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What are lysosomes?
A type of golgi vesicle that releases lysozymes
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What is it bound by and what does it contain?
Single membrane (separate from rest of cell to prevent damage) and digestive enzymes
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What do the digestive enzymes do
Break down unwanted chemicals toxins organelles or even whole cells
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What else can it fuse with?
Feeding vacuole to digests its contents (wbc's use to destroy engulfed bacteria)
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What are ribosomes composed of and what do they contain?
2 subunits and protein&RNA
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What is it the site of?
Protein synthesis
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Where are they manufactured?
Nucleolus of nucleus
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Where are they found?
Free in cytoplasm making protein for cells own use or attached to round ER making protein for cell export
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What size found in eukaryotes and prokaryotes?
80s 70s
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What is the ER?
Series of membrane channels involved in synthesising and transporting materials
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What does the rough ER do? Adaptations?
Studded with ribosomes that synthesise proteins which are processed in the RER before being exported from the cell via the golgi. Large SA for attachment of many ribosomes
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What does the smooth ER do? what do the cavities contain?
Synthesises, stores and transports lipids and carbohydrates. All necessary enzymes
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What is the cell membrane?
Thin flexible layer round outside of all cells made of phospholipids and proteins.
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What does the cell membrane do?
Separates contents of cell from outside environment and controls entry and exit of materials. It is a chemical barrier with no physical strength
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What do the proteins embedded in the bilayer do?
Controls movement of specific substances
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What is the Cell Wall?
Thick layer outside cell membrane used to give strength and rigidity. network of fibres give strength
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Why are they different to membranes?
Freely permeable to solutes
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What are plant cell walls made of?
Cellulose mainly but can contain other polysaccharides eg pectin
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How can it function as a carbohydrate store?
Varying amount of cellulose it holds
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What enables exchange and transport of substances?
Pores/channels through plant CW called plasmodesmata linking cytoplasm/ connecting of adjacent cells
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What are fungal cell walls made of?
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What is the cytoplasm?
Solution within cell membrane that contains enzymes for glycolysis (respiration) and other metabolic reactions, sugars, salt, amino acids, nucleotides and everything else needed for the cell to function
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What is the vacuole?
Membrane bound sacs containing water or dilutions of salts and other solutes eg sugars and enzymes and pigment (cell sap)
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What does it store?
Waste products to protect rest of cell
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What do most cells have?
Small vacuole formed as required
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What do plant cells have?
Large permanent one filling most of cell so cytoplasm forms thin layer around outside
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What is it important in?
Keeping cell rigid or turgid
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What do some unicellular protoctists have?
Feeding vacuoles for digesting food or contractile vacuoles for expelling water
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the nucleus surrounded by?


A double membrane called the envelope

Card 3


What does the envelope contain?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What makes up the bulk of the nucleus?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the nucleoplasm full of?


Preview of the front of card 5
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