Cell Structure

  • Created by: hannahi24
  • Created on: 08-01-16 11:16
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Intercellular transport system; cisternae forms channels to transform substances from one area to another. Provides a large SA for ribosomes which assemble amino acids into protiens and transport them to the Golgi Apparatus
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Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Contains enzymes that catalyse reactions involving lipids. Cholesterol synthesis. Lipiods/phospholipisds sythesis
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Golgi Apparatus
Stack of membrane bound flat sacs. Modifies protiens and packages them into vesticles to be pinched off into the cell ot the plasma membrane
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Site of ATP (energy) production during aerobic respiration. Self-replicating. Many present in cells with high metabolic activity
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Site of photosynthesis. Contains chlorophull which traps light and makes ATP
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Found only in plants. Filled with water and solutes to maintain cell structure by making the cell turgid
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Small bags formed from the Golgi Apparatus. Keep the powerful hydrolytic enzymes separate from the rest of the cell. Can engulf old cells and foreign matter and digest them for re-use
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Eukaryotic Cell
Contain membrane bound DNA, a nucleolus that contains RNA, cytoplasm where organelles are suspended, cytoskeleton which is a network of protein filaments that move organelles, plasma membrane, membrane-bound organelles, small vesicles and ribosomes
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Examples of Membrane Bound Organelles
Mitochondria, Golgi Apparatus and the Endoplasmic Reticulum
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Organelles without Membranes
Ribosomes, Centrioles, Cytoskeleton
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Bound to the exterior of the RER- used for protien synthesis for export out tof the cell. Ribosomes found free in the cytoplasm - assemble proteins for use inside the cell
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Before a cell divides it forms centrioles. They are involved in the formation of cilia and undulipodia de
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Network of proteins within the cytoplasm. They provide support and mechanical strength, keep the cell's shape and allow cell movement
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Cellulose Cell Wall
Not found in animal cells. Used to keep the plant cell from bursting when turgid. Provide strength and support, maintain cell shape and are permeable to allow soluble and solvent materials through
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Chitin Cell Wall
Found in fungal cells
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Examples of Eukaryotic Cells
Animal Cells, Plant Cells and Fungal Cells
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Card 2


Contains enzymes that catalyse reactions involving lipids. Cholesterol synthesis. Lipiods/phospholipisds sythesis


Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Card 3


Stack of membrane bound flat sacs. Modifies protiens and packages them into vesticles to be pinched off into the cell ot the plasma membrane


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Card 4


Site of ATP (energy) production during aerobic respiration. Self-replicating. Many present in cells with high metabolic activity


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Card 5


Site of photosynthesis. Contains chlorophull which traps light and makes ATP


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