Cell division

What are the 2 main phases of the cell cycle
Interphase and mitotic division
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What occurs during interphase
DNA is replicated, protein synthesis, organelles grow and replicate
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What are the stages of interphase
G1, S, G2
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What occurs during G1
Organelles replicate, proteins (enzymes) synthesised, cell grows
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What occurs during S stage
DNA replicated
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What occurs during G2
Cell grows, DNA Checked for errors
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What is cytokinesis
When the cytoplasm divides and two daughter cells are produced
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What is mitosis
Nucleus divides
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What happens at G0 phase
When the cell leaves the cycle
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Why may a cell leave G0 phase
Differentiation, DNA of cell may be damaged, senescent cells, apoptosis
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What is checkpoint in the cell cycle
Control mechanism of the cell cycle
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Why does mitosis occur
Growth, repair, asexual reproduction
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How do bacteria asexually reproduce
Binary fission
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What are chromatids
Two identical DNA molecules
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How does chromatin form during interphase
DNA combines with histones (proteins)
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What are the 4 stages of mitosis
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
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Where can you get dividing cells from in a plant
Root tips, shoot tips
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Why do you squash the cells on a microscope slide
Separate and form a single layer
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Why do you stain the cells
Make chromosome visible
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What happens during prophase
Chromatin coils & condenses to form chromosomes, nuclear envelope breaks down, spindle forms, centrioles move to poles, spindle attaches to centromere of chromosome
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What happens during metaphase
Chromosomes move to centre of cell by spindle fibres
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What happens during anaphase
Centromeres divide, chromatids move to opposite poles as spindle shortens
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What happens during telophase
Chromosomes at poles, nuclear envelope reforms
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Why does a cleavage furrow not form in plant cells
Plant cells have a cell wall
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How are gametes formed
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How many times does the nucleus divide in meisosis
Twice (to form 4 daughter cells)
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What are homologous chromosomes
pair of chromosomes which have the same genes at the same loci
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Define allele
Different version of a gene
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What happens during meisosis 1
Reduction division, pairs of homologous chromosomes are separated
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What happens during meiosis 2
Pairs of chromatids are separated
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When does independent assortment occur
During metaphase 1 and 2
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Describe the organisation of a multicellular organism
Cells specialise - tissues - organs - organ systems - whole organism
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Define differentiation
Cells are specialised to carry out a specific function
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How are RBC's specialised
Biconcave shape increases SA:Vol ratio, no nucleus, few organelles, flexible
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How are neutrophils specialised
Multi- lobed nucleus to squeeze through small gaps, many lysosomes
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How are sperm cells specialised
Flagellum tail for movement, many mitochondria, acrosome has digestive enzymes
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Name the 4 types of tissue in animals
Nervous tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue , connective tissue
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Define an organ
Collection of tissues that are adapted to perform a particular function
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Define stem cell
Unspecialised cell that can differentiate into any cell
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Define totipotent
Cells that can differentiate into any cell
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Define pluripotent
Cells that can form all tissue types
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Define multi potent
Can only form a range of cells with a certain type of tissue
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Where are stem cells produced in animals
Bone marrow, embryo, umbilical cord
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Where are stem cells found in plants
Meristem, root tip, shoot tip
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What diseases can be treated using stem cells
Heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's,
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What occurs during interphase


DNA is replicated, protein synthesis, organelles grow and replicate

Card 3


What are the stages of interphase


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What occurs during G1


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What occurs during S stage


Preview of the front of card 5
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