Osmosis and Active Transport

  • Created by: Burney7
  • Created on: 14-08-20 15:50
How does the size of the organism affect the surface area : volume ratio?
The larger the organism, the smaller the surface area : volume ratio.
1 of 8
How is diffusion used in fish gills?
Oxygen from the water passes into the fish’s mouth and flows over the gills and the oxygen is diffused into the bloodstream.
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What is osmosis?
The diffusion of water from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution through a semi permeable membrane.
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What happens to a cell when in a very concentrated solution?
Water will move out of the cell and the cell will shrink and become flaccid.
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What happens to a cell in water?
The cell will expand and become turgid.
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What is active transport?
The movement of particles from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration against the concentration gradient. Active transport requires energy.
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How is active transport used in root hair cells?
Ions move through the semipermeable membrane into the root of the cell .
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How is active transport used in the small intestine?
Sugars are carried into the lumen of the small intestine and the transported into the bloodstream.
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Card 2


How is diffusion used in fish gills?


Oxygen from the water passes into the fish’s mouth and flows over the gills and the oxygen is diffused into the bloodstream.

Card 3


What is osmosis?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens to a cell when in a very concentrated solution?


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Card 5


What happens to a cell in water?


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