Cecchetti Intermediate

  • Created by: c.e.
  • Created on: 05-10-22 21:08
8 points of the room - 4 corners and 4 walls
- aids in communication between teacher/choreographer and student/dancer
- helps dancer to orient herself in space
- aids in spotting
- each dancer should face her own corner - dancer's box
1 of 16
Positions of the head
- erect
- inclined
- turned
- raised
- lowered
2 of 16
Positions of the arms (1st-3rd)
- 1st
- 2nd, demi 2nd for adage & allegro
- 3rd
3 of 16
Positions of the arms (4th)
- 4th en avant
- en avant in opposition
- en haut
- en haut in oppositions
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Positions of the arms (5th)
- 5th en bas
- en avant
- en haut
- en haut open
- en haut open or offering
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Basic body positions
- a la quatrieme devant
- a la quatrieme derriere
- a la seconde
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All body positions
- a la quatrieme croise devant
- a la quatrieme devant
- ecarte
- efface
- a la seconde
- epaule
- a la quatrieme derrier
- a la quatrieme croise derriere
- ecarte derriere
- efface derriere
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Movements in dancing
- plier (to bend)
- etendre (to stretch)
- relever (to rise)
- glisser (to glide)
- sauter (to jump)
- elancer (to dart)
- tourner (to turn)
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Position taken from the statue of Mercury
- attitude efface devant
- attitude efface derriere
- attitude croise devant
- attitude croise derriere with croise derriere arms, attitude ordinaire arms
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Correct movements of the foot
- pied a terre (flat)
- a quart (1/4 pointe)
- a demi (1/2 pointe)
- a trois quart (3/4 pointe)
- a pointe (full pointe)
- fully extended
- sickled outwards
- flexed (for character dance)
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Incorrect movements of the foot
- sickled inwards
- clenched
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Theory of Port de Bras
- time/space ratio
- 3 planes of movement (forward and back, side to side, spiral)
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Theory of Port de Bras (2)
- balance of line
- arms may have to move at different speeds to arrive together (especially 2nd + 4th port de bras)
- anticipation (especially 1st + 3rd port de bras)
- continuous movement
- port de bras allows for beauty + style of choreography + dancer
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Basic head rules (1-3)
1. coupes, jetes + temps leves - the head inclines to the foot that you land on
2. pas de chat - head is turned over the arm, neck is lengthened + the eye line is extended down + away from the body
3. pirouettes - head is last to leave + first to arrive (
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Basic head rules (4-6)
4. assembles - as brushing leg comes from front to back, the head inclines away from it
5. pas de bourrees + glissades - head inclines to the foot that finishes in front
6. balances de cote, chasses a la seconde + pas de bourree ouverte - the head incline
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Basic Adage movements
- degage en tournant a terre
- fouette of adage en l'air
- developpe en tournant
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


- erect
- inclined
- turned
- raised
- lowered


Positions of the head

Card 3


- 1st
- 2nd, demi 2nd for adage & allegro
- 3rd


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- 4th en avant
- en avant in opposition
- en haut
- en haut in oppositions


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


- 5th en bas
- en avant
- en haut
- en haut open
- en haut open or offering


Preview of the back of card 5
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