Causes of poverty

  • Created by: jashalp
  • Created on: 14-10-18 12:20
What does Enclosure Movement mean?
Farmers enclose lots of smaller fields into one big field.
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What was the result of the Enclosure Movement?
Poorer farmers were forced to become labourers.
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What impact did changing from growing crops to sheep farming have?
Increased unemployment as fewer labourers were needed.
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What did farmers keep instead of growing crops?
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How are rising prices connected to enclosures?
Less crops being grown, price of crops went up.
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How are rising prices connected to sheep farming?
Rising prices exacerbated by the increase in sheep farming as less crops being grown.
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Why did farmers change from growing crops to sheep farming?
Great demand for woollen cloth and make more profit.
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How is population growth and rising prices connected?
There was now greater demand for goods but less were available, this increased the price of basic products.
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How is population growth and sheep farming connected?
There was a great demand for woollen cloth that encouraged farmers to switch from crop to sheep farming; this in turn further drove the expansion of enclosures that became a prominent feature of the period.
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Card 2


What was the result of the Enclosure Movement?


Poorer farmers were forced to become labourers.

Card 3


What impact did changing from growing crops to sheep farming have?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did farmers keep instead of growing crops?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How are rising prices connected to enclosures?


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