Causes of Global Warming

  • Created by: Max Oscar
  • Created on: 19-03-22 15:15
What is Global Warming?
The Earth's temperature is increasing
MORE of the Sun's energy is KEPT IN the Earth's Atmosphere
(i.e. Global Warming is occurring because energy budget falls out of balance)
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Why can't the sun's energy escape?
It is trapped by greenhouse gases
Some of it is re-radiated back to Earth
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What is Energy Budget?
Balance of the sun's energy entering + leaving the Earth's atmosphere

Enhanced Greenhouse Effect is stopping more of the heat energy from leaving the Earth's atmosphere therefore the Earth is heating up
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What is the Sun's Energy (i.e. sunlight) called?
Incoming Solar Radiation (ISR)
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What happens to the Incoming Solar Radiation (ISR)?
NOT ALL Incoming Solar Radiation reaches Earth
Some is:
- 6% Scattered back into space by dust + smoke particles
- 26% Reflected back into space
- 21% Absorbed atmospheric gases & clouds

SOME DOES reach the Earth + is:
47% Absorbed by the earth's surface
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What is Enhanced Greenhouse Effect?
Greenhouse Effect is natural + essential for life on Earth
Enhanced Greenhouse Effect is not natural + is causing climate change
- Caused by an increase in greenhouse gases which which means more of Incoming Solar Radiation is absorbed in the Earth'
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What is the Impact of Global Warming/Enhanced Greenhouse Effect?
There are 4 main impacts:
Increase frequency + severity of Hurricanes
Increase frequency + severity of Droughts
Increase frequency + severity of Heatwaves
Increase Melting of Ice Caps/Glaciers
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What is a Hurricane?
A hurricane is a tropical storm with strong winds + intense rainfall
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How are Hurricanes affected by Global Warming?
There are more hurricanes
- Seas are warmer which cause more evaporation
- Warmer Air holds more water vapour = warm air store + release more rain
- Winds are stronger

Hurricanes cause death, injuries & economic damage
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How are Droughts affected by Global Warming?
Higher temperatures mean more water is evaporated which can cause low water levels

In already dry areas, (e.g. Sahara) the higher temperatures can mean reserves of water quickly lost
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How are Heatwaves affected by Global Warming?
There is an increase in temperature due to global warming
People can become dehydrated plus overheats
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What is a Heatwave?
An extended period of time when there is excessive heat
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How are Ice Caps/Glaciers affected by global warming?
Increase Global Temperature = Increase Melting of Glaciers + Ice Caps
Sea Level Rise putting places in danger e.g. the Maldives
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An Example of a Hurricane with Increased Frequency & Severity due to Global Warming
Hurricane Harvey, 2017
- Formed over the Gulf of Mexico in 2017 when sea temperatures were 1°C higher than normal
- Many areas received more than 1000 mm rainfall in 4 days
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An Example of a Drought with Increased Frequency & Severity due to Global Warming
Cape Town's water ban, 2018
- Cape Town has experienced droughts for 3 consecutive years
- In 2018, dams got to within 26% of capacity
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An Example of a Heatwave with Increased Frequency & Severity due to Global Warming
2003 European Heatwave
- Summer of 2003 in Southern and central Europe was 4°C hotter than normal, estimated to be warmest summer in 500 years
- Around 35,000 people died across Europe
- Combination of extreme heat & little rain resulted in over $14 billi
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why can't the sun's energy escape?


It is trapped by greenhouse gases
Some of it is re-radiated back to Earth

Card 3


What is Energy Budget?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Sun's Energy (i.e. sunlight) called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens to the Incoming Solar Radiation (ISR)?


Preview of the front of card 5
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