Causes of French rev 1789

  • Created by: Leanne084
  • Created on: 27-02-18 13:26
Cause : Enlightenment aka Age of Reason
Writers, philosophers and political thinkers began to question the conventions of the societies they lived in.
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Voltaire (1694-1778)
Favoured English system of gov and praised English law ; more tolerant and liberal than France.
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How was Voltaire's work viewed?
Seen as an attack on French monarchy and his essays were banned and publicly burnt.
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Which other revolution had an impact on the spread of the Enlightenment?
The American Revolution
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Cause: What was a major economic issue in France?
Tax system was corrupt = links to poverty and third estate.
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A small cause: Marie Antoinette -
Austrian roots = suspicious. Rumoured Louie was far to influenced by his wife. Failed to produced an heir. Some blamed her excessive spending for the financial crisis.
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Cause: A major political problem?
King had all political power. French's prolonged involvement (and funding) of the 7 years war. France ruled by absolute gov = anyone who criticised this was arrested and put in prison without trial.
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When was the French Revolution?
14 July 1789.
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Card 2


Favoured English system of gov and praised English law ; more tolerant and liberal than France.


Voltaire (1694-1778)

Card 3


Seen as an attack on French monarchy and his essays were banned and publicly burnt.


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Card 4


The American Revolution


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Card 5


Tax system was corrupt = links to poverty and third estate.


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