
What's the name of the border between North and South Korea?
38th Parallel
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What year did North attack South?
2 of 25
Which country was backed by the Soviet?
North Korea
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Which country was backed by the US?
South Korea
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Which country was backed by China?
North Korea
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Which country was communist?
North Korea
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Which country was capitalist?
South Korea
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When did the Korean War begin?
June 25 1950
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When did the Korean War end?
July 27 1953
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Why did the North Korean's attack South Korea?
The support of China and the Soviet Union.
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What did the North Korean Army do to the Southern Forces?
Pushed them to a small area around Pusan
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How were the South Korean's protected
The USA sent troops to support them
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Was communism spreading?
13 of 25
How did Communism spread?
When the North Korean Army tookover
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When did the UN Security Council agree to send troops to help the US?
July 27 1950
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Why did the US's request take place?
The Soviet Union was avoiding the Security Council’s admittance of the Nationalist Chinese delegation to the UN
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Who led the UN forces?
General Douglas MacArthur
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When did the UN forces land in Incheon?
September 15 1950
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What did the UN forces do to the North Korean's
Pushed the North Koreans back over the 38th Parallel
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When did China invade Korea?
October 19 1950
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What happened to the UN forces in return
Driven back below the 38th Parallel
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When was General MacArthur sacked?
April 11 1951
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Why was General MacArthur sacked?
His demand for atomic bombs was denied by President Truman because he was untrustworthy to quickly end the war
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When did the war became a stalemate?
June-July 1951
24 of 25
How was the War but to an end?
An armistice was signed by Eisenhower at Panmunjom
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Card 2


What year did North attack South?



Card 3


Which country was backed by the Soviet?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which country was backed by the US?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which country was backed by China?


Preview of the front of card 5
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