Catholicism or Protestantism

Who was the head of the Catholic Church ?
The Pope
1 of 6
Want is the definition of transubstantiation?
The belief that the bread and wine are physically and literally transformed by the priest into the body and blood of Christ.
2 of 6
What do Protestant churches look like and why is this ?
They are plain and simple so that the congregation focus on the most important aspect which is prayer to God and listening to sermons or speeches of the priest/religious leader.
3 of 6
What is the authority of the Protestant church?
The Bible, the word of God, is the only authority that should be obeyed.
4 of 6
what is the hierarchy of the Protestant church?
1. Head of State
2. archbishops
3. Bishops
4. Priests
5. Laity
5 of 6
What was the aim of the Catholic Church?
They were designed to look like heaven which would put people in their place and in awe of the church.
6 of 6

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Card 2


Want is the definition of transubstantiation?


The belief that the bread and wine are physically and literally transformed by the priest into the body and blood of Christ.

Card 3


What do Protestant churches look like and why is this ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the authority of the Protestant church?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the hierarchy of the Protestant church?


Preview of the front of card 5
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