Cardiac cycle and its control

  • Created by: sophiee96
  • Created on: 19-03-13 20:05
What is the cardiac muscle?
1 of 30
What does myogenic mean?
That it's contraction is generated within itself
2 of 30
Is external stimulus needed to stimulate heart contractions?
3 of 30
What does the cardiac muscle act as?
A pacemaker
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What causes the atria to contract simultaneously?
A wave of contraction from the sino-atrial node
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What happens to the blood pressure in the atria when they contract?
It rises above that in the ventricles
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What happens when the pressure in the atria rises above that of the ventricles? (and via which valves?)
Blood is forced into the ventricles via the atrioventricular valves
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What happens during atrial systole?
Blood is forced from the atria into the ventricles via the atrioventricular valves
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What happens when the wave of contraction reaches the atrioventricular node?
There is a slight delay before impulses are transmitted to the ventricles
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Impulses are transmitted to the ventricles through what?
The Purkinje fibres
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What do the Purkinje fibres form in the septum?
The bundle of His
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What happens after the wave of contraction is transmitted to the ventricles?
It spreads out across the ventricles and they contract simultaneously
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Which valve closes when the blood pressure in the ventricles rises?
The atrioventricular
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What does the closure of a valve prevent?
The backflow of blood
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What happens when pressure in the ventricles rises above pressure in the arteries? (via which valves?)
Blood is forced out of the heart into the aorta via the semi-lunar valves
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What happens during ventricular systole?
Blood flows from the ventricles into the aorta
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What happens during diastole?
The ventricles relax
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What happens to the pressure in the ventricles when they relax?
It falls below the pressure in the arteries
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Which valves close during diastole?
The semi lunar valves
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What does systole mean?
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What does diastole mean?
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Which valve closes and which opens during ventricular systole?
Atrioventricular valve closes and semi-lunar valve opens
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Which stage immediately follows ventricular systole?
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What is the name given to the pacemaker structure in the wall of the right atrium?
Sinoatrial node
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What is the name of the second pacemaker?
Atrioventricular node
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What do mammals and birds have?
Four chambered heart and double circulation
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What happens to blood once it has entered the heart in a double circulation?
It is pumped to the lungs, exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen, returns to the heart and then is pumped around the body
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Why is a double circulatory system important for birds and mammals?
They have a high metabolic rate
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What is the benefit of having a double circulatory system?
It maintains a high blood pressure and prevents mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
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What is the benefit of blood being pumped at a high pressure?
Faster flow rate in the systematic and pulmonary circulations
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does myogenic mean?


That it's contraction is generated within itself

Card 3


Is external stimulus needed to stimulate heart contractions?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the cardiac muscle act as?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What causes the atria to contract simultaneously?


Preview of the front of card 5
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