Cantonese 4

  • Created by: Telliot90
  • Created on: 27-04-24 09:10
Have you seen this film yet?
I haven't seen it (yet). (present or future)
I didn't see him yesterday. (past tense)
I can't see it (yet). (present or future)
Have you seen my shirt?
Lei5 yau5mou5 tai2gwo3 yi1bou6hei3? -or-
lei5 tai2 gwo3 li1bou6hei3 mei6?
Gnor5 mei6 tai2gwo3.
Gnor5 cham4yat6 mou5gin3 keoi5.
Gnor5 tai2m4dou3.
Lei5 tai2gwo3 gno5gin6 syut1saam1 mei6 aa3?
1 of 20
On Sunday, he played in the park
Which do you like more, apples or pears?
Sing1kei4yat6, keoi5 hai2 gung1yun2 wan6jor2
Lei5 zung1ji3di1?Ping4gwo2 ding6 lai4?
2 of 20
What time does the Library close?
What time does the shop open?
Tou4syu1gun2 gei2dim2 san1moon4?
Pou3tau2 gei2dim2 hoi1mun4aa3?
3 of 20
Next week
5 years later/after
5 weeks later
Haa6go3 sing1kei4
m5 nin4 hau6
m5 sing1kei4hau6
4 of 20
I will eat soon/later

Have you eaten yet?
Have you eaten mango? (past)
Have you done your homework yet?
Gnor5 yat1zan6gaan1 (wui5) sik6faan6 -or-
Gnor5 zi1hau6 sik6faan6
Lei5 sik6zo2 faan6mei6aa3?
Lei5 yau5mou5 sik6 mung1gwo2.
Lei5 zou6zo2 gung1fo3 mei6?
5 of 20
Next to
gaak3 lei4
deoi3 min6
6 of 20
Right side (right facing)
Left side
jau6 min6
zo2 min6
soeng6 min6
haa6 min6
7 of 20
The lemon is on right of pineapple.
Apple is between the lemon and orange.
I will go back to London next year
Ling4mong1 hai2 bo4lo1 jau6min6.
Ping4gwo2 hai2 ling4mong1 tung4 chaan2 zung1gaan1.
Gnor5 haa6nin4 faan1 lon4don1
8 of 20
I go travelling with you.
Me and my friend live together.
She lives by herself.
I live by myself.
Gnor5 tung4 lei5 yat1cai4 hui3leoi5haang4.
Gnor5 tung4 gnor5 peng4yau5 yat1cai4 zyu6.
Kui5 zi6gei2 zyu6.
Gnor5 zi6gei2 zyu6.
9 of 20
He goes to school by himself.
I cook for myself.
Keoi5 zi6gei2 faan1hok6.
Gnor5 zi6gei2 zyu2je5sik6.
10 of 20
Although he is Chinese, he doesn't eat rice.
Although she speaks Cantonese, she cannot write.
Seoi1jin4 keoi5 hai6 zung1gwok3yan4, daan6hai6 keoi5 m4sik6 faan6.
Seoi1jin4 keoi5 sik1gong2 gwong2dung1waa5, daan6hai6 keoi5 m4sik1se2.
11 of 20
Have you ever been to Hong Kong?
I have never been to London.
Lei5 heoi3gwo3 Hoeng1Gong2 mei6aa3?
Gnor5 mei6heoi3gwo3 Lon4don1.
12 of 20
I can't hear you.
Please speak louder
Can you say it slower?
Gnor5 teng1 m4 cing1 co2
Cing2 daai6seng1di1
Lei5 ho2m4hor2yi5 gong2 maan6 di1?
13 of 20
He did it.
My phone is on the table.
Keoi5 zou6zo2ge3.
Gnor5 bou6-din6waa2 hai2 toi2soeng6min6
14 of 20
This dish smells good.
I am making breakfast.
She is still sleeping.
Yi1dip2coi3 hou2hoeng1.
Gno5 zing2gan2 zou2chaan1.
Keoi5 zung6 fan3gan2gaau3.
15 of 20
The garden looks beautiful
Ni1go3 faa1jyun4 tai2lok6 hou2leng3
16 of 20
What's your problem(issue)?
Lei5 yau5me1 man6tai4?
17 of 20
Can we go out after?
Can we go out later?
Gnor5dei6 ho2ji5 zi1hau6 ceot1heoi3 (maa1)?
Gno5dei6 ho2ji5 gnaan6di1 ceot1heoi3?
18 of 20
I will wear a suit.
Gnor5 wui5 zoek3 sai1zong1.
19 of 20
I have lost my wallet.
I will ring her now because she hasn't come back yet.
Gno5 m4gin3jo2 gno5gwo3 gnan4bau1.
Gno5 ji4ga1 wui5da2din6waa2 bei2keoi5, yan1wai6 keoi5 mei6 faan1lei4.
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


On Sunday, he played in the park
Which do you like more, apples or pears?


Sing1kei4yat6, keoi5 hai2 gung1yun2 wan6jor2
Lei5 zung1ji3di1?Ping4gwo2 ding6 lai4?

Card 3


What time does the Library close?
What time does the shop open?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Next week
5 years later/after
5 weeks later


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


I will eat soon/later

Have you eaten yet?
Have you eaten mango? (past)
Have you done your homework yet?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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