
  • Created by: Ellie2033
  • Created on: 09-05-24 14:12
P53 is what type of gene?
tumour suppressor
1 of 12
Mutations in RAS genes cause what?
rampant cell proliferation
2 of 12
A mutation that leads to the development of a hallmark of cancer is know of what?
driver mutation
3 of 12
Do passenger mutations have direct effect on the fitness of a tumour?
4 of 12
"Different cancers can be caused by mutations in different genes"
5 of 12
tumour suppressor genes typically follow which inheritance pattern?
autosomal dominant
6 of 12
proto-oncogene genes typically follow which inheritance pattern?
autosomal recessive
7 of 12
successive acquisition of mutations which are then replicated and outcompete original genes
linear evolution
8 of 12
multiple genetically distinct clones emerge from a common ancestor
branched evolution
9 of 12
FAP is caused by mutations in which gene?
APC gene
10 of 12
Lynch syndrome (HNPCC) is caused by mutations in which gene?
mismatched repair genes
11 of 12
carcinomas are caused by mutations in which genes?
P53 genes
12 of 12

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Card 2


Mutations in RAS genes cause what?


rampant cell proliferation

Card 3


A mutation that leads to the development of a hallmark of cancer is know of what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Do passenger mutations have direct effect on the fitness of a tumour?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"Different cancers can be caused by mutations in different genes"


Preview of the front of card 5
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