C6 The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change

What is the equation for rate of reaction using quantity of reactant?
Quantity of reactant used / time taken
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What is the equation for rate of reaction using quantity of product formed?
Quantity of product formed / time taken
2 of 21
What are the two units for rate of reaction
g/s or cm3/s
3 of 21
What are 5 factors that affect the rate of reaction?
Concentration of reactants in solution, pressure of reacting gases, surface area of solid reactants, temperature and presence of catalysts.
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How does a catalyst speed up the rate of reaction?
Lowers activation energy, providing an alternative pathway
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How does concentration of reactants affect rate of reaction?
More particles, so higher chance of successful collisions.
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How does pressure of reacting gases affect rate of reaction?
More particles in a given volume, therefore more collisions.
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How does surface area of solid reactants increase rate of reaction?
More particles are exposed to the reactant, more chance of particles colliding.
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How does temperature affect rate of reaction?
Higher temperature means the particles have more kinetic energy and therefore more likely to collide and have successful collisions.
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What is collision theory?
Chemical reactions can occur only hen reacting particles collide with each other and with sufficient energy.
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What are catalysts?
Change the rate of reaction while not being used up. Enzymes are biological catalysts.
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What is a reversible reaction?
Where products of the reaction can react to produce the original reactants.
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How can the direction of reversible reactions be changed?
Changing the conditions, eg temperature.
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If a reversible reaction is exothermic in one direction, it will be...
endothermic in the opposite direction.
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When is equilibrium reached?
When the forward and reverse reactions occur at exactly the same rate - in apparatus that prevents the escape of reactants and products.
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EQUILIBRIUM;If the concentration of a reactant is increased what will happen?
More products will be formed until equilibrium is reached again.
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EQUILIBRIUM;If the concentration of a product is decreased what will happen?
More reactants will react until equilibrium is reached again.
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What happens if the temperature of a system at equilibrium is increased?
For an endothermic reaction; the relative amount of products at equilibrium increases.
For an exothermic reaction; the relative amount of products at equilibrium decreases.
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What happens if the temperature of a system at equilibrium is decreased?
For an endothermic reaction; the relative amount of products at equilibrium decreases.
For an exothermic reaction; the relative amount of products at equilibrium increases.
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What will an increase in pressure cause for a system in equilibrium?
The equilibrium position will shift to the side with the smaller number of molecules.
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What will a decrease in pressure cause for a system in equilibrium?
The equilibrium position will shift to the side with the larger number of molecules.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the equation for rate of reaction using quantity of product formed?


Quantity of product formed / time taken

Card 3


What are the two units for rate of reaction


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are 5 factors that affect the rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does a catalyst speed up the rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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